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Update Information: October 7, 2009 (Updates)

by Ron @, Thursday, October 08, 2009, 01:07

Engine Updates

Protector 1.2.8 (UCI)
revision(s) to the source code today (current = rev. 78)
no builds yet
- id'ing of promotable pawns
"Since the first release of Protector there has been some debate if Protector
should be regarded as a Fruit clone. Of all comments written on this topic I
would like to pick one that summarizes the complexity of the question pretty
well. It can be found at
"I didn't write Protector from scratch in order to have an "original" engine
and I don't plan to modify Protector towards that goal. This would be a futile
task anyway. The answer to the question if Protector is a Fruit clone depends
on the personal notion of 'clone' -- my impression is there will always be
some people who are not satisfied by the 'distance' between the Protector and
the Fruit sources. Currently I don't plan to enter Protector in a serious
tournament and thus it isn't an important topic for me.
"The Fruit and Toga sources are freely available and cannot be unpublished
anymore. Everyone who wants to judge about cloning needs to draw his own line
of separation but if it is drawn with too much distance from Fruit this will
restrict other programmers severly. I don't believe that this was Fabien
Letouzey's intention when he published Fruit -- well, my opinion.
"As already mentioned above I have modified several things in Protector that
orginally have been analogous to Fruit/Toga. I will do so in the future but my
only goal was, is and will be to create a strong chess program that is as
competitive as possible -- version 1.2.8 scores about 80% vs. Fruit 2.1 on
Linux (the latest open source Fruit version); pretty good for a 'clone', isn't
it?. To a certain extend I can understand people who didn't find anything
'new' or 'original' in the Protector source code -- I was also disappointed
when I first saw the Fruit source code. There wasn't much new in it but
nonetheless Fruit played much stronger than many other programs who seemed to
comprise almost the same ingredients." (project site)
latest builds are here (updated often): (bin files)

Zochova 0.1 (WB)
Dann Corbit Windows build works with Winboard, does not work with Arena
Chris Conkie uses this as his commandline:
Winboard "zochova64" /fd="d:\winboard\zochova_01" ; /name="Zochova 0.1-x64-DC" (homepage) (DC)

Down chess websites :-(
Alex site down today
Averno site down for 73 days
DanChess geocities site down permanently, no more homepage
TSCP site down today

Crafty Chess Interface site back up :-)
Sissa site back up

Wiki Changes

FACE Tournament
- many updated pages, including the downloads page

Chess Problem Solving Software
- added Chess Problem Solver from SourceForge

Play Chess Online List
- added Jhess, Kingchess, VChess, XChatter, & YICS

Chess Engine List
- moved Eden (the *other* one) & Manado to Source Code Only List

Chess News

update(s) to the source code today (patchset = 500)
no build for this version

ChessX GUI & PGN database program
5 code commits to the source repository today (rev# = 980)
no build for this version

Bonus Notifications (recent releases of free stuff)

free music player & organizer. Also: sync, convert, autotag, and burn CDs/DVDs (more info) (homepage)

Sysinternals Suite
free trouble-shooting utilities suite from Microsoft

Meaning of Colors

Red = New
Green = Updated
Gray = Info Only

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