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Update Information: July 5, 2010 (Updates)

by Ron @, Tuesday, July 06, 2010, 00:09

Engine Updates

Redqueen 0.5 (UCI)
2 commit(s) to the C++ source code (commits= 297), no new build
- 296: changes parameters
- 297: fixed TT store

Chess News

ChessGui 0.186a (WB/UCI)
a nice chess GUI / tournament manager by Matthias Gemuh; there is a separate download for a portable version
- I have cleaned up a lot of code and straightened some twisted logic
- format of books has changed !!

Down/Problem Chess Websites :-(
Alex homepage down for 73 days ("Temporarily Unavailable")
Amundsen homepage down for 78 days (Permissions problem)
Feuerstein homepage down for 13 days (probably dead)
Numpty homepage closed until further notice (69 days)
Shredder homepage down today
AICE homepage back up :-)
Sibyl homepage back up :-)
Simplex homepage back up :-)

Wiki Changes

FACE Tournament
- division 12 page is updated

Chess Engine List
- removed Glaurung hompage link, homepage is now an iPhone app only with no UCI engine
- added Glaurung git code repository as new homepage

Bonus Notifications (recent releases of free stuff)

- do not install unwanted toolbars, etc.
- alpha releases have new features; crashes and bugs are to be expected
- beta releases have new features; they may contain bugs or crash
- release candidate software may contain minor bugs; crashes are rare

GParted Live 0.6.0-7
open source Gnome Partition Editor- resize, move, copy, check, label your hard drive's partitions
understands most file systems including all for Windows and Linux (homepage) (project page) (download)

Notepad++ 5.7
open source programmer's editor. Recommended!
- not new, but I missed the change of homepage address (homepage) (info + download link)

Meaning of Colors

Red = New or Warning
Green = Updated
Gray = Info Only

Engine List:
Chess News:


Update Information: July 5, 2010

by Tony Mokonen, Tuesday, July 06, 2010, 18:52 @ Ron

I noticed you mentioned the Sybil page. What is going on with that engine? It's been years since Anastasios first announced Sybil, and there doesn't seem to have been a peep since. Is it still being developed?


Update Information: July 5, 2010

by Ron @, Wednesday, July 07, 2010, 00:34 @ Tony Mokonen

Hi Tony,

As far as I know Sibyl is now abandoned. The use of fuzzy logic is not a good approach for chess, it is very slow compared to the normal ways. Sometimes using STL will slow you down as well...

Don't confuse down chess websites with actual engines! I track lots of chess engine websites and some of them are 'vaporware'.

Best regards,

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