Update Information: January 29, 2010 (Updates)
Engine Updates
RedQueen 0.2 (UCI)
2 commit(s) to the C++ source code (commits= 160), no new build
- improved evaluator, search code refactoring
- created cached attacks table
Chess News
STSStat 2.5
utility by Philippe Gailhac for calculating engine analysis scores using STS & Arena
- creates results table in HTML format
- aligns results properly in table
- save INI file with GUI Language
Down/Problem chess websites
Amundsen homepage down for 14 days
Ares homepage down for 5 days
Betsy homepage down for 24 days
Colossus homepage down for 30 days
Kenny Dail (Mac) builds site down for 2 days
Jin GUI homepage down today
Typhoon homepage down for 8 days
Wiki Changes
FACE Tournament
- most of the pages have been updated to reflect latest tournament results
Chess Engine List
- added RDChess
Bonus Notifications (recent releases of free stuff)
- do not install unwanted toolbars, etc.
- alpha releases have new features; crashes and bugs are to be expected
- beta releases have new features; they may contain bugs or occasionally crash
- release candidate software may contain minor bugs; crashes are rare
Artistic Style 1.24
open source source code indenter, formatter, and beautifier for the C, C++, C# and Java programming languages
open source CD / DVD / Blu-ray burning software. Recommended
http://cdburnerxp.se/en/download (homepage & download)
this program requires .NET framework; Media Format 9.0 Update required if using WMA format
http://hem.bredband.net/download3/wmfdist.exe (Media format 9.0)
jedit 4.3.1
open source programmer's text editor; supports many languages; extensive plugins
Sandboxie 3.43.20 beta
free utility (nagware): run/install programs in a safe sandbox that cannot affect your Windows stability/security
this is a *beta* release
http://www.sandboxie.com/ (homepage)
http://www.sandboxie.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=6842 (download links)
System Explorer 2.0.7
free; detailed info about tasks, processes, modules, startups, IE addons, uninstallers, windows, services, drivers,
connections and opened files; performance graphs monitor usage of system resources in real-time
Meaning of Colors
Red = New or Warning
Green = Updated
Gray = Info Only
Engine List: http://computer-chess.org/doku.php?id=computer_chess:wiki:lists:chess_engine_list
Chess News: http://computer-chess.org/doku.php?id=computer_chess:wiki:lists:chess_news_list