Update Information: June 4, 2009 (Updates)
Update: Chesley the Chess Engine 159
no build available yet...
Info Only: ZCT
engine not updated
yesterday's GCC/Cygwin 32-bit SMP build of ZCT 0.3.2500 by Jim Ablett has been removed
new Windows x64/win32 Intel 11/10 pgo SMP builds added
http://homepages.tesco.net/henry.ablett/jims.html (Jim's page)
http://www.mediafire.com/?itqmyuejzjm (direct download)
http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?zmx5yqjiz42 (Dr. Wael Deeb opening book)
Info Only: Down chess websites
ZebraChess back up after being down for 1 day
Update: Tarrasch UCI GUI 0.907
Tarrasch Toy Engine is still at version 0.905 (not updated)
- Real pondering support added - as it happens just turning the option on is not enough!
- Kibitz headline improvements - distinguish between kibitz (multi pv) and analysis (single pv).
--- Analysis happens when the engine is working out a move to play now, or pondering in anticipation.
--- If pondering, the ponder move is shown.
- Move now command added, can be used to force engine to play a move
- Takeback command now works during engine's move.
- Takeback command now always takes back one ply.
GUI Protocol List
added Knights GUI
Linux Engine List
added Engendrov engine
Native Engine List
added Engendrov and saTRanc engines
Mobile Chess List
added Feringa for Palm engine
Variants Engine List
added Ultrachess, improved some comments