Update Information: May 19, 2009 (Updates)
Update: Critter 0.38
- First version with real evaluation function
- pawn structure, king safety, piece mobility, development, etc.
- very ugly, untuned, but 100 elo stronger than 0.37
Update: Nanook 0.17
- Basic implementation of the aspiration windows
- Better Killer moves
- Principal Variation Search
- Basic implementation of Late Move Reduction
- Corrected some bugs with hash table and check problems
- Basic implementation of history heuristichttp://www.oellermann.com/blikskottel/
Info Only: RedQueen
another 3 commits to the source code (commits= 70), no download yet
Update: Tarrasch Toy Engine 0.903
The engine is a part of the Tarrasch Chess GUI
Look for "Alternative Download Procedure for Experts only "
and download the exe files only. One of them is the toy engine.
- Tarrasch toy engine generally reports on progress in more standards compliant way;
- It continually reports on progress in go infinite and go commands and reports
useful information after a stop command.
- It measures time and nodes from the start of the go or go infinite command,
not from the start of a particular level
- It also uses one less thread, and writes to stdout in the root thread, this
means ChessBase 9 sees its kibitz output immediately, not after a timeout.
- Up until now Tarrasch toy engine did a very stupid thing. It would try to create the file
'C:\Documents and Settings\Bill\My Documents\Chess\wx\release\toy.log' and log info to it
- That was pretty bad, but worse was that on machines other than mine it would
invariably fail (the directory wouldn't exist) and it would then spew the
log info to stdout instead
- This would ensure that the engine wouldn't work with other GUIs (the only
surprising thing is that it did work with my GUI!)
- Needless to say, all this stupid behaviour is now fixed.
Info Only: Down engine websites
ColChess down for 20 days (webpage removed)
Dann Corbit site down for 16 days
Chess News
No updates found
FACE Tournament
minor corrections and updates to several pages
Chess Engine List
added GnuChess 4