Update Information: May 3, 2009 (Updates)
Info Only: Chenard
new Jim Ablett build
Info Only: Frittle
new Jim Ablett build
Update: Glass 1.2
also new opening book manager
-the engine finally comes with multiPV support.
-on some platforms it should be noticeably faster due to a change of some numeric types.
-Glass interpolates between midgame and endgame pcsq tables now
-finally, an awful king safety bug has been fixed, making Glass much more aggressive, if slightly erratic.
Update: Numpty 0.3pr
Almost a total rewrite from the previous version:
- Improved winboard 2 support (including setboard, force and go)
- time management (including depth, x + y and x in y controls)
- recognition of under-promotion
- perft function
Strength (probably about +300 elo)
- standard alpha-beta search with iterative deepening
- game phase specific individual piece square tables
- specific endgame knowledge (including passed pawn handling and common mates)
- evaluation criteria to handle doubled pawns and trapped pieces
- enlarged integrated opening book (still hand developed/tuned)
http://uk.geocities.com/bloodhound66@btinternet.com/index.htm (website)
http://www.mediafire.com/?n2ejvnmda3t (direct download)
Info Only: RedQueen
another commit to the source code (commits= 64)
Update: Stockfish 1.3.1 & 1.3.1JA
new patch for compatibility with Glaurung 2 books
http://www.mediafire.com/?syclraegm3b (source code only)
http://homepages.tesco.net/henry.ablett/jims.html (Jim Ablett build)
Info Only: Down engine websites
ColChess down for 4 days (webpage removed)
Natwarlal down for 15 days (webpage removed)
Yoda down for 7 days (download file removed)
Vickie website back up
Info Only: SCID
another commit to the source code (commits = 426)
Mobile Chess List
added tChess (versions Lite and Pro) for iPhones / iPods touch
Private Engine List
added link for Stobor