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SMP Engine List
Here is a list of chess engines that will search faster using extra processors, known as Symmetrical MultiProcessing - feature “SMP”.
Alphabetical Index
- Alfil Chess
- Amy
- Andscacs
- Arabian Knight
- Arasan
- Armageddon (UCI)
- Arminius
- Atlas
- BagaturChess
- Barracuda
- Battle vs. Chess
- Beekay
- BeroChess
- BlackMamba Chess
- Bobcat
- Booot
- Bouquet Chess Engine
- Bright
- Brutus
- BugChess2
- Butcher (“par” command-line switch to use more than 1 CPU)
- Cheng
- Chess 2013 (Free / Pro Edition)
- ChessBrainVB
- Chessmaster Grandmaster Edition - The King
- Chiron
- Cinnamon
- CmcChess
- Counter
- Crab
- Crafty
- Critter
- Cyclone
- Cyclops
- DanChess
- Dancing Dragon
- DeepBrutePOS
- Deep Saros
- Deep Sjeng
- Delfi
- Delphil
- Demolito
- Desaster Area
- Detroid
- Dirty
- Disaster Area
- Dorky Chess
- Dragontooth
- Elektro Chess Engine
- Equinox
- Ethereal
- EXchess
- Ferrarifish
- Ferret - no public release of this project available
- Fire(Bird)
- FireFly
- FishCooking
- Firenzina
- Fizbo
- Frank Walter
- Franky
- Frenzee
- Fridolin
- Fritz
- Gandalf
- Gaviota
- Glaurung
- Gogobello
- Gopher-Check
- Grapefruit
- Gull
- Hamsters
- Hannibal
- Hermann
- HoiChess
- Houdini
- Igorrit
- Ikarus - no public release of this project available
- Invicta Chess
- Ivanhoe
- Jazz
- Jellyfish
- Jonny
- Jumbo
- Junior
- Komodo
- Laser
- LEOpard
- LittleThought
- Loop
- Mars
- Marvin
- Minic
- MinkoChess
- Monolith
- Morphy Chess
- Myrddin
- NapoleonPP
- Naum - development of this project is finished
- Nebiyu
- Nebula
- Nemeton
- Nemorino
- NeuroGrape
- Neurone
- NeuroStock
- OctoChess
- Onno - development of this project is finished
- Patzer
- Pedone
- Pharaon
- Portfish
- Presbyter
- Project Invincible
- Protector
- Rainbow Serpent
- Redqueen
- Rick48
- RobboLito
- Rodent
- Rofchade
- RyanFish
- Rybka
- Sayuri
- Schooner
- Scorpio
- Senpai
- Shikamaru Chess Engine
- ShouldntExist - Bugorrit
- Shredder
- Shutranj
- Smash
- Smaug
- Spark
- Spike
- Sting
- Stockfish
- Strelka
- Symphysodon
- Szint
- Texel
- The Baron
- The Mad Prune
- Thinker
- Tinapa
- Toga
- Topple Chess
- Tornado
- TwinFish
- Typhoon
- Tytan
- Umko - development of this project is finished
- Vajolet
- Violet
- Viper
- Vitruvius
- Wasp
- Weini
- Winter
- Xiphos
- Zappa
- Zeta OpenCL