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Table of Contents
Computer-Chess Wiki
Chess Engine List
- Chess Engine List - a list of all Winboard and UCI engines with links
- Engine Download List - some open-source programs without a homepage and some older programs
Chess Engines Hosted On The Computer-Chess Wiki
- Asterisk (WB/UCI) - by Péter Horváth
- BabyChess (WB) - by Jerome Kunegis, C++ source
- Cecir (WB) - by Guillermo Carvalho, based on TSCP
- Damas (WB) - by William Mota
- Darky (WB/UCI) - by Alex Guerrero; C source
- Fianchetto (WB) - by Bryn Humberstone, Haskell source
- Frank-Walter (UCI) - Laurens Winkelhagen, cross-platform Java-based jar file
- Fruit (UCI) - Fabien Letouzey, C++ source
- Geko (WB) - by Giuseppe Cannella
- Glaurung (UCI) - by Tord Romstad, C++ source
- Kitteneitor (WB) - by Emilio Diaz
- Myrddin (WB) - by John Merlino
- Matacz (WB) - by Maciej Pestka
- Nemo (UCI) - by Michael Hoffmann
- SecondChess (WB) - by Emilio Diaz
- Smaug (UCI) - by Tord Romstad & Joona Kiiski, C++ source
- Sorgenkind (WB) - by Steffen Basting