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computer_chess:wiki:lists:pgn_reader_viewer_writer_list 2019/05/13 12:27 computer_chess:wiki:lists:pgn_reader_viewer_writer_list 2019/08/14 17:02 current
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  * **[[ | pgn4web - websites / blogs / live broadcasts]]** by Paolo Casaschi   * **[[ | pgn4web - websites / blogs / live broadcasts]]** by Paolo Casaschi
-  * **[[ | PGN Cleanup Toolkits]]** by Jim Ablett+  * **[[ | PGN ChessBook]]** by Norman Solomon - includes a database and an integrated chess engine
-  * **[[ | PGN Explorer from Microsoft]]** by Norman Solomon+  * **[[ | PGN Cleanup Toolkits]]** by Jim Ablett
  * **[[ | PGN Extract]]** by David J. Barnes   * **[[ | PGN Extract]]** by David J. Barnes

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