Update Information: April 29, 2010 (Updates)
Engine Updates
ChessMind 0.80 (UCI)
Win32; new engine by Luca Hemmerich
http://www.talkchess.com/forum/viewtopic.php?topic_view=threads&p=345033&t=34066 (annoucement)
http://www.mediafire.com/?imxzjkrwtkm (direct link)
Chess News
Nothing new found today
Down/Problem Chess Websites
Alex homepage down for 6 days ("Temporarily Unavailable")
Amundsen homepage down for 11 days
Betsy homepage down for 113 days
Blitzter homepage down for 48 days
Brama homepage down for 40 days
Colossus homepage down for 119 days
Dika homepage down for 41 days
Gosu homepage down for 46 days
Nesik homepage down for 25 days
Numpty homepage closed until further notice (2 days)
SharpChess homepage down today
Sinobyl homepage down for 65 days
Sissa homepage down for 7 days
InmiChess homepage back up
Wiki Changes
Private Engine List
- removed ChessMind: it is now public
Chess Engine List
- added Zotron
Bonus Notifications (recent releases of free stuff)
- do not install unwanted toolbars, etc.
- alpha releases have new features; crashes and bugs are to be expected
- beta releases have new features; they may contain bugs or crash
- release candidate software may contain minor bugs; crashes are rare
Ghostery 2.1
free browser addon; alerts you about web bugs, ad networks and tracking widgets
on every web page you visit; optionally block trackers
- "Ghostery Comes To Chrome and IE"
http://www.ghostery.com/ (homepage)
http://news.ghostery.com/post/559077309/ghostery-comes-to-chrome-and-ie (info)
http://www.ghostery.com/download (browser comparisons)
GParted 0.5.2-9
open source Gnome Partition Editor- resize, move, copy, check, label your hard drive's partitions
understands most file systems including all for Windows and Linux
http://gparted.sourceforge.net/ (homepage)
http://sourceforge.net/projects/gparted/ (project page)
http://sourceforge.net/projects/gparted/files/gparted-live-testing/ (download)
Open Watcom 1.9 RC 5
open source C/C++/Fortran cross-platform cross-compiler with GUI IDE & extensive toolset
build system hosts and compiles on/for: DOS16/Windows32/Linux32/OS2
this is *release candidate* software
http://www.openwatcom.org/index.php/Download (downloads)
http://www.openwatcom.org/index.php/C_Compilers_Release_Changes (release notes)
PeaZip 3.1
open source file and archive manager; available as portable app also
- extract 123 archive types: ACE, ARJ, CAB, DMG, ISO, LHA, RAR, UDF, etc.
http://peazip.sourceforge.net/ (homepage)
RSSOwl 2.0.5 RC 2
open source Java RSS newsreader
this is a *release candidate*
Meaning of Colors
Red = New or Warning
Green = Updated
Gray = Info Only
Engine List: http://computer-chess.org/doku.php?id=computer_chess:wiki:lists:chess_engine_list
Chess News: http://computer-chess.org/doku.php?id=computer_chess:wiki:lists:chess_news_list