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Update Information: October 27, 2009 (Updates)

by Ron @, Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 01:31

Engine Updates

Capa 0.1 beta 2 (WB)
2 new commit(s) to the Java source, (rev = 101), no new build
this project is getting active after being dormant since July

Protector 1.2.9 (UCI)
2 revision(s) to the C++ source code today (current = rev. 107), no new build (project site)

Down chess websites :-(
Brama site down today
Brutus site down for 6 days
Eden site down for 4 days
Fimbulwinter site down for 6 days (fixing viruses?)
GreKo site down for 5 days (403 error)
LarsenVB site down today
Smirf site down for 5 days
Zebra Chess down for 21 days

Crafty Chess Interface back up after being down 2 days :-)
Frenzee site back up after being down for 18 days with no content

Note: GEOCITIES has closed.
There were a lot of free engines hosted there that may have disappeared forever!
Here is the list of engines/utilities losing their geocities sites:
- Lyapko utilities
- WinMan
- Ajedrez Táctico
- Asterisk
- Averno
- Ax
- Beaches
- Bestia
- Cecir
- Chaturanga
- Chispa
- DanChess
- Dchess
- Diablo
- Freyr
- Golem
- HeavyChess
- Jupiter
- Marquis
- Mystery
- Naum 4
- Neurosis
- Thinker
- Thor'sHammer

I need to update the engine list to reflect this information!

Chess News

Norm Pollock Opening Book PGN Databases
new file added: GrandS.pgn
- collection of games between players rated 2400+, 2007-present

update(s) to the source code today (patchset = 504)
no build for this version

Wiki Changes

- added Chess Programming Wiki link

Bonus Notifications (recent releases of free stuff)

FileZilla 3.3.0 beta 1
open source ftp client. Recommended.
this is a *beta* release

Opera 10.01
open source web browser

Mozilla Firefox 3.5.4
open source web browser. Recommended.
- fixed several security issues
- fixed several stability issues
- fixed some minor bugs (download) (release notes)

MyDefrag 4.2.4
free disk defragmentation program. Recommended.

SeaMonkey 2.0
open source all-in-one Internet suite: browser, email, news feed, newsgroups, IRC chat, & html editor
- added a web newsfeed (RSS) reader

Sysinternals Suite
free trouble-shooting utilities suite from Microsoft

Meaning of Colors

Red = New or Warning
Green = Updated
Gray = Info Only

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