Update Information: April 21, 2014 (Updates)
Engine Updates
Gambit 10 (WB)
C++ source; own GUI; Win32; requires extra dlls (included in package)
- makefile for Linux included in package
http://sourceforge.net/p/gambitchess/code/HEAD/tree/ (source)
http://gambitchess.sourceforge.net/ (haomepage)
Protector 1.6.0 (UCI)
C source; Win32/64, Linux64
http://sourceforge.net/projects/protector/ (project and source code)
http://sourceforge.net/p/protector/code/HEAD/tree/bin/ (individual Win downloads)
http://sourceforge.net/projects/protector/files/ (package downloads)
Chess News
Nothing new today
Chess Programming Blogs
Nothing new today
Wiki Page Changes
Nothing new today
Bonus Notifications (recent releases of free stuff)
- do not install unwanted toolbars, etc.
- alpha releases have new features; crashes and bugs are to be expected
- beta releases have new features; they may contain bugs or crash
- release candidate software may contain minor bugs; crashes are rare
Dropbox 2.6.30
free, cross-platform, browser-based online backup, file sync, and cloud-based file sharing
- 2 GB of space for free
Ghostery 5.2.1
free browser addon; alerts you about web bugs, ad networks and tracking widgets on every web page you visit;
"See who's tracking your web browsing and block them"
Jenkins 1.561
cross-platform, open source, continuous integration server for developers
- automates the building/testing process
Nimrod 0.9.4
cross-platform, statically typed, imperative/object-oriented, compiled programming language
with overloaded functions/operators, iterators, exceptions, generics, closures, templates, macros
GC support for multi-core programming
- syntax resembles Python or Ruby
- runtime efficiency of C
- single inheritance only
- can use type inference to deduce types
Scala 2.11.0
a powerful OO, imperative/functional jvm language for professional programmers w/Actors for concurrency
Simplicity Linux 14.4
Puppy-based; LXDE desktop; #23 in popularity
System Explorer 5.5.0
free; detailed info about Windows tasks, processes, modules, startups, IE addons, uninstallers, windows,
services, drivers, connections and opened files; graph/monitor usage of system resources in real-time
Task Coach 1.3.38
open source cross-platform desktop todo manager with task or calendar viewing, project tracking, etc
Tiny Core 5.3
independent distro; Fluxbox, flwm, Hackedbox, IceWM, JWM, & Openbox desktops; #31 in popularity
Ultimate Edition 4.0
Ubuntu/Mint-based Linux distro; desktops: Awesome, MATE, GNOME, KDE; #18 in popularity
VMware Player 6.0.2
free open source, cross-platform virtual machine emulator, similar to VirtualBox
run multiple operating systems at the same time on your PC
Zero Install 2.6.0
open source, decentralized, cross-platform, cross-distribution software installation system
"Create one package that works everywhere; with dependency handling and automatic updates"
Zero Install programs are fetched at runtime the first time and run from your cache subsequently
http://0install.net/faq.html (FAQ)
Meaning of Colors
Red = New or Warning
Green = Updated
Gray = Info Only
Engine List: http://computer-chess.org/doku.php?id=computer_chess:wiki:lists:chess_engine_list
Chess News: http://computer-chess.org/doku.php?id=computer_chess:wiki:lists:chess_news_list
NOTE: If you want me to track a website for you, please email me and I will add it.
ron _at_ computer-chess _dot_ org