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Update Information: September 7, 2013 (Updates)

by Ron @, Sunday, September 08, 2013, 01:17

Engine Updates

Bouquet 1.8 (UCI)
Win32/64; Ippolit derivative
- code cleanup over version 1.6
- POPCNT instruction detection
- UCI options for Pawn_Hash and Larges_Pages
- strong extension of pawns Static evaluation, now also dynamically based on different game situations
- some minor changes
- time control more adaptable to different controls

Chess News

GNOME Chess 3.8.3 Chess GUI (WB)
Win32 build by Tarnyko
- I believe this is the first build of GNOME Chess that runs on Windows
- there are Linux32/64 builds of GNOME Chess available elsewhere
- the GNOME Chess GUI usually contains GNUchess as the engine, but the internal engine has been disabled
- this build is intended to be used from a browser for playing human/human games

Down/Problem Chess Websites :-(

Alex WBTM homepage down for 47 days (a multimania site)
Bestia homepage down for 62 days (a site)
Bright homepage down for 38 days ("webspace-user is unknown")
Fianchetto homepage down for 62 days (502 error: bad gateway)
Hamsters homepage down for 26 days (not found)
Kiwi homepage down for 26 days (not found)
Lyapko Utilities homepage down for 62 days (a site)
MadChess homepage down today (not found)
Nejmet homepage down for 46 days (a multimania site)
Spark homepage down for 38 days ("webspace-user is unknown")
Toledo Nanochess homepage down for 11 days (a site)
T-Rex homepage down for 47 days (a multimania site)
Wing homepage down for 127 days (not found)

Wiki Changes

Nothing new today

Bonus Notifications (recent releases of free stuff)

- do not install unwanted toolbars, etc.
- alpha releases have new features; crashes and bugs are to be expected
- beta releases have new features; they may contain bugs or crash
- release candidate software may contain minor bugs; crashes are rare

Audacity 2.0.4
popular cross-platform, open source sound editor/recorder

Data Crow 3.12.3
free, open source media manager/cataloger for movies, books, music, software, chess, etc. (homepage) (project page)

Dr Memory 1.6.0-2
cross-platform (Windows or Linux) 32-bit programmer's aid to detect:
access to uninitialized memory, unaddressable memory (including outside of allocated heap units
and heap underflow and overflow), freed memory, double frees, memory leaks, and on Windows
access to un-reserved thread local storage slots and common GDI API usage errors

IronPython 2.7.4
free, open source Python for .NET/Mono; use Visual Studio or MonoDevelop for easy development
Windows: requires .NET 4.0 or Silverlight 4; Linux: requires Mono 2.10.1 / MoonLight (homepage) (announcement)

TThrottle 7.14
free Windows laptop utility to keep CPU/GPU temperature down by throtttling performance

VirtualBox 4.2.18
open source, general-purpose, full virtualizer for x86 and AMD64/Intel64 hardware
runs on Windows, Linux, Macintosh and OpenSolaris as host
install several guest operating systems onto the same computer (list of guest operating systems) (changelog) (homepage)

Zero Install 2.3.4
open source, decentralized, cross-platform, cross-distribution software installation system
"Create one package that works everywhere; with dependency handling and automatic updates"
Zero Install programs are fetched at runtime the first time and run from your cache subsequently (FAQ)

Meaning of Colors

Red = New or Warning
Green = Updated
Gray = Info Only

Engine List:
Chess News:

NOTE: If you want me to track a website for you, please email me and I will add it.
ron _at_ computer-chess _dot_ org

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