Update Information: July 2, 2009 (Updates)
Update: Chesley the Chess Engine 196, 197, 198
no build for any of these versions yet
Update: Gray Matter 1540
- searches deeper for interesting positions (captures, checks,...)
- better searching, better scoring, much stronger
Update: RataAeroespacial 0.0.3
- Fully understand castle rigths.
- Many bugs fixed.
- Code cleaned.
- Some evaluation terms added.
- Qsearch improved.
Info Only: Down chess websites
Ayito site down for 4 days
Nesik site down for 7 days
Pierre site down for 9 days
Update: LiliaChess
Winboard-compatible GUI by Carlo Bellentani written in Java with source code available
- Network implementation: a chess game can be played between two liliachess users over a LAN.
- Fixed bug: when closing Liliachess, the Cancel option on the "Exit?" prompt was not working.
- The start-play confirmation prompts have been suppressed, both at start_new_game and at restart_game.
- The White and Black engine comboBoxes have been exchanged: white is down and black is up.
- The engine comboBoxes are now provided with a popup menu (right-click) to open the logging window.
- Java class refactoring, EngineComboBox and RemotePlayer added.
- The Board class is used as a singleton and is no longer passed as an argument.
- In the jar file, the PNG images are placed in a sub-folder.
Chess Engine List
added IACH, iChess, InmiChess, IQ23, JaksaH, JanWillem, JARS, and JChess