Update Information: May 21, 2013 (Updates)
Engine Updates
DiscoCheck 4.2 (UCI)
C source; Win64, Linux64
- 64-bit builds only
- contempt option added
- UCI stop command implemented
- about +20 Elo compared to DiscoCheck 4.1
https://github.com/lucasart/chess (project page)
https://github.com/lucasart/chess/raw/master/bin/discocheck_4.2_sse3 (Linux SSE3)
https://github.com/lucasart/chess/raw/master/bin/discocheck_4.2_sse4.2 (Linux SSE4.2)
https://github.com/lucasart/chess/raw/master/bin/discocheck_4.2_sse3.exe (Windows SSE3)
https://github.com/lucasart/chess/raw/master/bin/discocheck_4.2_sse4.2.exe (Windows SSE4)
Chess News
Nothing new today
Down/Problem Chess Websites
AdaChess homepage down for 2 days ("account has been suspended")
Armageddon homepage down for 26 days (403 error: forbidden)
Belofte homepage down for 71 days ("this site has been suspended")
ChessMind homepage down for 17 days (not found)
Chiron homepage down for 6 days (no content)
Dolphin homepage down for 69 days (not found)
Elf homepage down for 23 days ("domain name expired")
Homer homepage down today (not found)
InmiChess homepage down for 66 days (no response in 60 seconds)
JavaRival homepage down for 33 days (no response in 60 seconds)
PgnScanner homepage down today (not found)
Piranha homepage down today (not found)
Power Chess PGN Databases page down for 14 days (not found)
Pyotr homepage down for 66 days (not found)
Queen homepage down today (not found)
Tytan homepage down for 4 days (not currently available)
Wing homepage down for 18 days (not found)
Wiki Changes
Nothing new today
Bonus Notifications (recent releases of free stuff)
- do not install unwanted toolbars, etc.
- alpha releases have new features; crashes and bugs are to be expected
- beta releases have new features; they may contain bugs or crash
- release candidate software may contain minor bugs; crashes are rare
Puppy Linux -- Precise 5.6
Puppy is a popular (#10) and easy-to-learn, easy-to-use Linux distribution
Open source, boots from a CD (your Windows installation is unchanged) w/ simple instruction manual
old, slow computers run very well using Puppy's all-in-memory Linux kernel
There are many versions of Puppy available, each with a specific purpose
You don't necessarily use the latest release, you use the version with the software you want
You will need to know how to burn a disk from an ISO image
- Precise Puppy is binary-compatible with Ubuntu LTS 12.04.1
- Wary Puppy is intended to run on older hardware
- Racy Puppy is a mod of Wary Puppy, supporting the newest machines
- Slacko Puppy can use Puppy, Slackware, Salix, or Slacky software repositories
- Fatdog64 is a 64-bit Puppy distro; it is larger than most other Puppys
http://puppylinuxnews.org/ (news)
http://puppylinux.org/ (PuppyLinux homepage)
http://bkhome.org/blog2/?viewDetailed=00253 (release annopuncement)
http://distro.ibiblio.org/quirky/precise-5.6/release-Precise-5.6.htm (release notes)
PyPy 2.0.2 (Python)
cross-platform, open source Python implementation; choose JIT (default), no JIT, stackless, or sandboxed;
also available: back ends for .NET and Java (see: 'Features' page);
other languages that run in the JIT: Prolog (incomplete), Smalltalk, JavaScript, Io, Scheme and Gameboy
for Win32, Linux 32/64, Mac64, & ARM
http://pypy.org/ (homepage)
http://doc.pypy.org/en/latest/release-2.0.2.html (announcement)
ZevenOS 3.1 "Neptune"
Ubuntu-based Linux distro; desktop is Xfce w/ some BEOS features; #41 in popularity
Meaning of Colors
Red = New or Warning
Green = Updated
Gray = Info Only
Engine List: http://computer-chess.org/doku.php?id=computer_chess:wiki:lists:chess_engine_list
Chess News: http://computer-chess.org/doku.php?id=computer_chess:wiki:lists:chess_news_list
NOTE: If you want me to track a website for you, please email me and I will add it.
ron _at_ computer-chess _dot_ org