Update Information: March 28, 2013 (Updates)
Engine Updates
Nothing new today
Chess News
Nothing new today
Down/Problem Chess Websites
Belofte homepage down for 18 days ("this site has been suspended")
ChestUCI homepage down for 13 days (a 110mb.com site)
Dolphin homepage down for 16 days (not found)
InmiChess homepage down for 13 days (no response in 60 seconds)
Jim Ablett main page down for 4 days ("suspended due to overtraffic")
Pyotr homepage down for 13 days (not found)
RDChess homepage down for 8 days (not found)
Toledo Nanochess homepage down for 13 days (a 110mb.com site)
Wiki Changes
Nothing new today
Bonus Notifications (recent releases of free stuff)
- do not install unwanted toolbars, etc.
- alpha releases have new features; crashes and bugs are to be expected
- beta releases have new features; they may contain bugs or crash
- release candidate software may contain minor bugs; crashes are rare
Autoruns 11.50
displays programs configured to run during system bootup or login, & the Windows processing order
of these programs
IKVM.NET 7.3, RC 0
Java VM for Mono/.NET; enables Java code/libraries to be called by Mono/.NET languages, or develop Mono/.NET apps in Java
- this is the version compatible with Java 7
- this is a *release candidate*
http://www.ikvm.net/ (homepage)
http://weblog.ikvm.net/ (announcement)
PeaZip 4.9.1
open source cross-platform file and archive manager; available as portable app also
- extract 150+ archive types: ACE, ARJ, CAB, DMG, ISO, LHA, RAR, UDF, etc.
http://peazip.sourceforge.net/ (homepage)
http://sourceforge.net/projects/peazip/files/4.9.1/ (4.9.1 downloads)
PHP 5.4.14, RC 1
PHP 5.3.24, RC 1
PHP is a very popular and practical open source scripting language; it is primarily used for web applications
- these are *release candidates*
http://php.net/ (homepage)
Qt SDK 1.3.0
open source cross-platform windowing system / GUI builder
- includes latest updated Qt libraries
- includes latest Qt Creator IDE for C/C++ & JavaScript
Scientific Linux 6.4
Linux distro based on Red Hat Enterprise; choice of GNOME, IceWM, KDE desktops; #57 in popularity
SparkyLinux 2.1 "GameOver"
Debian-based distro; Enlightenment, LXDE, MATE, Openbox desktops; #40 in popularity
- special release: customised LXDE desktop with a good collection of games
ToDoList 6.6
free todo list / calendar program with nestable todos, recurring reminders, Gantt charts, etc
Wireshark 1.9.2 (Development Version)
open-source network protocol analyzer (packet sniffer) for advanced users
- this is an update to the *developmental* (beta) branch
Meaning of Colors
Red = New or Warning
Green = Updated
Gray = Info Only
Engine List: http://computer-chess.org/doku.php?id=computer_chess:wiki:lists:chess_engine_list
Chess News: http://computer-chess.org/doku.php?id=computer_chess:wiki:lists:chess_news_list
NOTE: If you want me to track a website for you, please email me and I will add it.
ron _at_ computer-chess _dot_ org