Update Information: May 28, 2009 (Updates)
New: Evolution Chess 0.05
new Winboard engine by Bhupendra Aole
engine discovered by Michael Diosi
Update: Mainsworthy 64.01.7
"The First Mainsworthy Engine has been updated, and now has new books, aswell as plays a varied game, it never plays the same game twice! "
http://wbec-ridderkerk.nl/html/details1/Mainsworthy.html (Leo)
http://www.geocities.com/markjamestop/ (homepage)
Info Only: 4Lars.zip
a Mainsworthy-type engine that plays game in 2 minutes
http://www.geocities.com/markjamestop/ (homepage)
Info Only: Down chess websites
none found
Info Only: SCID
2 more commits to the source code (commits = 435)
Retreated Engine List
added 'other' Eden engine to Retreated Engine List
Variants Engine List
many, many new engines added