Update Information: May 25, 2009 (Updates)
Update: Alex 1.94
- add small table for endgame recognition
- aspiration search based on version 1.89
- remove egbb path option from UCI options (Arena don't allow engine customization)
Info Only: GFC
- Download removed for now.
- GFC still has a crashing problem. - Jim.
Info Only: Down chess websites
Pulsar down for 3 days (internal server error or misconfiguration)
BlackBishop down for 1 day
Sloppy down for 1 day
Spin Chess (unreleased) back up after being down for 1 day
Flux back up after being down for 1 day
Thief GUI has a new (to me) homepage: http://thief.sourceforge.net/
NOTE: SourceForge back to normal after being very slow the past 2 days
Update: Polyglot 1.4w22
Polyglot was written by Fabien Letouzey. This is the Fonzy Bluemers modification.
"Allow ';' in strings such as EGTB path names as a separator."
CCW Forum
FEN diagram display bugfixed: it seems to function properly with other BBCodes now
Chess Logos List
added some miscellaneous logos from CCRL discussion board