Update Information: May 21, 2009 (Updates)
Update: Tarrasch Toy Engine 0.904
"Bug fix, add the time increment"
Info Only: Down chess websites
Thief GUI down for 4 days
Chess Rikus back up after being down for 2 days
all Googlepage engines back up after being down for 1 day:
Alfil, Clarabit, DanaSah, Goyaz, Rodin, Scorpio, Yace
Update: ChessPartner 6.02
commercial GUI
"This version replaces the withdrawn 6.0.1 update. The installation issues are fixed."
Summary of changes:
*** 6.0.2 ***
- Fixed installation issues.
*** 6.0.1. ***
- Corrected score output in epd analysis. Is now engine relative.
- Added Ktulu 9 in known engines list.
- ERT, corrected reading match files.
- ERT did not properly unload engines.
- ERT could not run uci/winboard engine against uci/winboard engine.
- Included new version of menu library.
- Corrected problem where winboard engine could get out of sync.
- Corrected nag init and exit screens and buy now and info buttons.
- Other minor changes.
Update: Kvetka
"A new version of plugin "Hints on a board" is released. Some bugs were fixed there"
Native Engine List
added EnkoChess and Free Chess Board Game for Windows