Update Information: May 13, 2009 (Updates)
Update: DanaSah 4.24
- Bugfix, version 3.97b lost in time in bullet and blitz.
- Bugfix in chess960
- Bugfix for chessgui GUI.
- Little changes in the search and evaluation, similar strengh to version 3.97b
Info Only: RedQueen
another 2 commits to the source code (commits= 67), no download yet
New: Son Of Mainsworthy 0.2
version 0.1 was available briefly
Info Only: Down engine websites
ColChess down for 14 days (webpage removed)
Dann Corbit site down for 10 days
EveAnn site back up again
Update: Chess Gui 0.156
also ChessGUI4Stick 0.156
"consider this version experimental"
- can you successfully create and use board and pieces ?
- if any problems, install the 2 ttf fonts manually
- if this experiment fails, I will go back to one board and one piece set.
- new are 2 bmp files, 2 ttf files, ChessGUI.exe
Update: Toledo Chess 2
engine + GUI (using X11 library) *not* for WB or UCI!
Chess Engine List
added: GarboChess, Gargamella, Gaviota, Gedeone, and Geko