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Bibliographic details for "home"

Please remember to check with your standards guide or professor’s guidelines for the exact syntax to suit your needs.

Citation styles for "home"

APA style

Anonymous Contributors (2013). home. Computer Chess Wiki. Retrieved 00:36, 13 March, 2025 from

MLA style

“home.” Computer Chess Wiki. 21 Jan 2013, 05:13 EST. 13 Mar 2025, 00:36 <>.

MHRA style

Anonymous Contributors, ‘home’, Computer Chess Wiki, 21 January 2013, 05:13 EST, <> [accessed 13 March 2025]

Chicago style

Anonymous Contributors, “home,” Computer Chess Wiki, (accessed March 13, 2025).

CBE/CSE style

Anonymous Contributors. home [Internet]. Computer Chess Wiki; 2013 Jan 21, 05:13 EST [cited 2025 Mar 13]. Available from:

Bluebook style

home, (last visited March 13, 2025).

AMA style

Anonymous Contributors. home. Computer Chess Wiki. January 21, 2013, 05:13 EST. Available at: Accessed March 13, 2025.

BibTeX entry

 @misc{ wiki:xxx,
   author = "Anonymous Contributors",
   title = "home --- Computer Chess Wiki",
   year = "2013",
   url = "",
   note = "[Online; accessed 13-March-2025]"

When using the LaTeX package url (\usepackage{url} somewhere in the preamble), which tends to give much more nicely formatted web addresses, the following may be preferred:

 @misc{ wiki:xxx,
   author = "Anonymous Contributors",
   title = "home --- Computer Chess Wiki",
   year = "2013",
   url = "\url{}",
   note = "[Online; accessed 13-March-2025]"

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