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computer_chess:wiki:lists:variants_engine_list 2019/05/30 05:50 computer_chess:wiki:lists:variants_engine_list 2020/05/02 10:06 current
Line 151: Line 151:
  * **[[ | Nanoha Mini]]** - woodyring   * **[[ | Nanoha Mini]]** - woodyring
-  * **[[ | Nebiyu]]** - plays Chess, Checkers, Go, Reversi, Shogi etc. - Daniel Shawul - **[[ | Alien WinBoard Edition]]** -  H.G. Muller - **[[ | Crazyhouse Chess Variant Association]]** - plays Advancer Chess, Atomic, Berolina, Bigchess, Capablanca, Coordinator Chess, Courier, Crazyhouse, Gorogoro, Gothic, Grand, Immobilizer Chess, Judkins, Knightmate, Longleaper Chess, Los Alamos, Makruk, Minishogi, Normal Chess, Omega Chess, Pushmepullyus Chess, Quadruple Chess, Shatranj, Shogi, Spartan, Triple Chess, Ultima, Withdrawer Chess - Ferdinand Mosca+  * **[[ | Nebiyu]]** - plays Advancer Chess, Alien, Amazons, Atomic, Berolina, Capablanca, Checkers, Coordinator Chess, Crazyhouse, Courier, Go, Gothic, Grand, Hex, Immobilizer Chess, Knightmate, Longleaper Chess, Makruk, Normal Chess, Omega, Pushmepullyus Chess, Quadruple Chess, Reversi, Shatranj, Shogi, Spartan, Triple Chess, Ultima, Withdrawer Chess etc. - Daniel Shawul - **[[ | Alien WinBoard Edition]]** -  H.G. Muller - **[[ | Crazyhouse Chess Variant Association]]** - Ferdinand Mosca
  * **[[ | Nozomi (requires at least Haswell-microarchitecture)]]** - Yuhei Ohmori   * **[[ | Nozomi (requires at least Haswell-microarchitecture)]]** - Yuhei Ohmori
Line 162: Line 162:
  * **[[ | Ponanza Quartette]]** - Issei Yamamoto, University of Tokyo   * **[[ | Ponanza Quartette]]** - Issei Yamamoto, University of Tokyo
 +  * **[[ | Ruby Shogi]]** - Tony Helminen
  * **[[ | Saya Chan]]** - **[[ | Download]]** - **[[ | Evaluation]]** - ebifrier   * **[[ | Saya Chan]]** - **[[ | Download]]** - **[[ | Evaluation]]** - ebifrier
Line 206: Line 208:
  * **[[ | Sunflower Mini]]** - kyamamoto9120   * **[[ | Sunflower Mini]]** - kyamamoto9120
 +  * **[[ | SxRandom, for Dobutsushogi / Minishogi / Shogi - 3 Check / Atomic / Chess 960 / Crazyhouse / Giveaway / Horde / King Of The Hill / No castle / Racing Kings / Random 256 / Shuffle / Standard Chess]]** - David Šafránek
  * **[[ | Tagua, a generic board game application for Chess Variants / Shogi / XiangQi]]** - Paolo Capriotti / Maurizio Monge / Yann Dirson   * **[[ | Tagua, a generic board game application for Chess Variants / Shogi / XiangQi]]** - Paolo Capriotti / Maurizio Monge / Yann Dirson
Line 311: Line 315:
  * **Bright**   * **Bright**
 +  * **[[ | Capitaine]]** - plays Musketeer Chess by Toni Helminen
  * **[[ | Catalyst]]** -  plays Spartan Chess by Richard Allbert   * **[[ | Catalyst]]** -  plays Spartan Chess by Richard Allbert
Line 330: Line 336:
  * **Crab**   * **Crab**
-  * **[[ | CrazyAra - plays Crazyhouse]]** - **[[ | GitHub]] by Alena Beyer, Johannes Czech and Moritz Willig+  * **[[ | CrazyAra - plays Crazyhouse]]** - **[[ | GitHub]]** by Alena Beyer, Johannes Czech and Moritz Willig
  * **[[ | Crazybot - plays Crazyhouse (Zhouse / Crazyhouse Challenger)]]** by Tecumseh   * **[[ | Crazybot - plays Crazyhouse (Zhouse / Crazyhouse Challenger)]]** by Tecumseh
-  * **[[ | Crazywhore - plays Crazyhouse, no Windows executable file available (Zhouse / Crazyhouse Challenger)]]** by James Baud  
  * **Critter**   * **Critter**
Line 349: Line 353:
  * **[[ | Defeo]]** - an AI (originally based on Sjeng 8.5.1) for Bughouse / Crazyhouse - Dušan Škaloud   * **[[ | Defeo]]** - an AI (originally based on Sjeng 8.5.1) for Bughouse / Crazyhouse - Dušan Škaloud
 +  * **[[ | DiceChess]]** plays DiceChess with 6 pieces / sides each - Toni Helminen
  * **[[ | Dreierschach, a hexagonal chess game for three opponents]]** - Christian Wahlmann   * **[[ | Dreierschach, a hexagonal chess game for three opponents]]** - Christian Wahlmann
Line 355: Line 361:
  * **[[ | Einstein - plays Onestone does not throw dice respectively Einstein würfelt nicht]]** - H.G. Muller   * **[[ | Einstein - plays Onestone does not throw dice respectively Einstein würfelt nicht]]** - H.G. Muller
 +  * **[[ | Ethereal for Musketeer Chess]]** by Andrew Grant
  * **EXchess**   * **EXchess**
Line 423: Line 431:
  * **Junior**   * **Junior**
 +  * **[[ | King of the Brick]]** by Will Merges
  * **Kurt**   * **Kurt**
Line 445: Line 455:
  * **Maverick**   * **Maverick**
 +  * **Minic**
  * **Movei**   * **Movei**
Line 499: Line 511:
  * **[[ | Sapeli]]** - plays Chess 960, Normal Chess and Shuffle Chess (w/960 castling)   * **[[ | Sapeli]]** - plays Chess 960, Normal Chess and Shuffle Chess (w/960 castling)
 +  * **Schooner**
  * **Shredder**   * **Shredder**
 +  * **[[ | Shuriken]]** - plays Capablanca / Caparandom / Falcon / Gothic (10x8 variants))
  * **[[ | Sigla for Seirawan Chess]]** by Ferdinand Mosca   * **[[ | Sigla for Seirawan Chess]]** by Ferdinand Mosca
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  * **[[ | Sugod for Berolina Chess]]** by Ferdinand Mosca   * **[[ | Sugod for Berolina Chess]]** by Ferdinand Mosca
-  * **[[ | Sunsetter Bughouse / Crazyhouse]]** - **[[ | Zhouse / Crazyhouse Challenger]]** by WhoAmI+  * **[[ | Sunsetter Bughouse / Crazyhouse]]** - **[[ | GitHub]]** -  **[[ | Zhouse / Crazyhouse Challenger]]** by WhoAmI
  * **Taktix**   * **Taktix**

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