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This shows you the differences between two versions of the page.

computer_chess:wiki:lists:icga_tournament_list 2013/01/13 14:14 computer_chess:wiki:lists:icga_tournament_list 2016/05/06 05:59 current
Line 69: Line 69:
* **[[ | Chess-Master]]** - Dieter Schultze and Rüdiger Worbs * **[[ | Chess-Master]]** - Dieter Schultze and Rüdiger Worbs
-* **[[ | Chess Monster]]** - j. Middlecoff+* **[[ | Chess Monster]]** - J. Middlecoff
* **[[ | Chessnut]]** - Geoffrey J. Bulmer * **[[ | Chessnut]]** - Geoffrey J. Bulmer
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* **[[ | Lachex]]** - Burton Wendroff and Tony Warnock * **[[ | Lachex]]** - Burton Wendroff and Tony Warnock
-* **[[ | l´Extcentrique]]** - Claude Jarry+* **[[ | l´Excentrique]]** - Claude Jarry
* **[[ | Lion]]** - Gian Carlo delli Colli * **[[ | Lion]]** - Gian Carlo delli Colli

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