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computer_chess:wiki:download:index 2015/03/20 23:09 computer_chess:wiki:download:index 2015/03/21 16:18 current
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  * **[[engine_download_list | Engine Download List ]]** - some open-source programs without a homepage and some older programs   * **[[engine_download_list | Engine Download List ]]** - some open-source programs without a homepage and some older programs
-  * **{{epd_testsuites.7z | Mega-EPD Testsuite Download}}** - contains 70 epd testsuites including: wacnew, nolot, covax, fine, iq, okelly, etc. [[epd_contents | (full download details)]] +  * **{{epd_testsuites.7z | Mega-EPD Testsuite Download}}** - contains 70 epd testsuites including: wacnew, nolot, covax, fine, iq, okelly, etc. [[epd_contents | (full download details)]]  
-  * **[[unorthodox-chess-openings.7z | Unorthodox Chess Openings ]]** - mostly pgns of weird openigs+  * **{{unorthodox-chess-openings.7z | Unorthodox Chess Openings}}** - mostly pgns of weird openigs

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