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This shows you the differences between two versions of the page.

computer_chess:engines:myrddin:index 2023/06/11 13:59 computer_chess:engines:myrddin:index 2023/06/11 14:00 current
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====Version/Change List==== ====Version/Change List====
 +== Version 0.90 (6/9/23) ==
 +-- Fixed two bugs in SEE (stopped the calculation if the first capture was of equal value, and failed to include Kings in the calculation)\\
 +-- Fixed a bug that could cause a save to the hash table even if there was no best move\\
 +-- Tuned PST files for the first time, and re-tuned all other eval terms\\
 +-- Captures with negative SEE value can now be reduced\\
 +-- IID is now more aggressive in its depth reduction and can be applied in PV nodes\\
 +-- LMR reduction is now one depth less for PV nodes\\
 +-- No longer limiting the number of extensions for a single branch\\
 +-- Reduced the number of aspiration windows before performing a full-width search from six to two\\
 +-- Fixed a rare bug such that if a tt probe or IID returned an underpromotion it would not be moved to the front of the movelist\\
 +-- Fixed an issue when receiving the "force" command while pondering, which can happen with some GUIs\\
 +-- Modified the compiler options for magicmoves to improve perft results by 5%.\\
 +-- Various minor optimizations\\
 +-- Added "see" command to return the SEE value of a capture on the current position - example usage "see d4 e5"\\
 +-- Added "rpt" command to run a brief perft test (perft uses bulk counting)\\
 +-- Removed "-64" from version string as there is no longer a 32-bit version\\
== Version 0.89 (6/3/22) == == Version 0.89 (6/3/22) ==

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