Your trusted source for computer chess information!
This is an old revision of the document!
Table of Contents
Linux Engine List
Here is a list of chess engines that run under Linux.
Alphabetical Index
- AdaChess
- Alex
- Alfil Chess
- Ali Baba (JA)
- Alice (JA)
- Amoeba
- Amundsen (JA)
- Andscacs
- Animats
- Arasan
- Arminius
- Asymptote
- Atlas
- Baby Chess
- BBChess
- Belofte
- Beowulf (JA)
- BetaFish
- Betsabé (JA)
- BikJump
- Bitfoot
- BlackMamba Chess
- Bruja (JA)
- Brutal Chess
- BSC - b0n0 Simple Chess
- Bullucks
- Bumblebee
- Butcher / Rzeźnik
- Butterfly Chess
- Buzz
- Capa chess
- Casper
- Cassandre (JA)
- Cefap
- Cheese
- Chenard
- Cheng
- Chengine
- Chesley the Chess Engine (JA)
- chess0
- Chess 3 (Python Chess)
- Chess 4.1
- Chess Applet - Homeostatic Chess Player
- Chess-at-nite
- ChessNovice
- Chess One (JA)
- Chispa
- Cilian
- Cinnamon
- Clarabit
- Claudia
- Clever Girl
- Clubfoot
- Coiled
- ColChess
- Comet
- CPP1
- Crafty (JA)
- CrazyWa
- Critter
- Cuckoo Chess
- Cyclone
- Cyrano
- DanaSah
- Daydreamer (JA)
- Deepov
- Deep Sjeng
- Delocto
- Demolito
- Dendron (JA)
- Diablo (JA)
- Dirty
- DiscoCheck
- Djinn
- Donna
- DoubleCheck (JA)
- Dragontooth
- Dreamer
- Drunkenmaster
- Dumb
- Ecere Chess
- Eeyore
- Elf Chess
- El Turco
- Embla
- Engendrov
- Enigma
- Enko
- EXchess (JA)
- Faile
- Fairy-Max
- Fianchetto (POSIX-compliant binaries)
- Fimbulwinter (JA)
- Firenzina (MH)
- Fortress - no longer available
- Fridolin
- Fruit
- Gaïa
- Gambit
- GarboChess (JA)
- Gaviota
- Geko
- GES (JA)
- Ghost
- Giraffe
- Giuchess (JA)
- Gk (JA)
- Glaurung
- Glyph Chess
- GNU Cheese
- GNU Chess (JA)
- Gosu
- Grapefruit
- GreKo (JA)
- Gromit - no longer available
- Hactar
- Hakkapeliitta
- Hedwig
- Heracles
- Hermann
- HoiChess
- Homer
- Igel
- IIchess
- Ildtiadar
- Irina Chess
- Isa
- Ivanhoe
- j2chess
- Jabba
- Jacksprat
- Jazz
- Jellyfish
- Jester (JA)
- JFresh
- JikChess
- Joanna (JA)
- Jonny
- K2
- Kace
- Kenny (JA)
- King´s Out
- Kiwi
- KMTChess (JA)
- KnightCap (JA)
- KnightX / Techno Chess
- Komodo
- Kurt (JA)
- Laser
- LCZero
- LEOpard
- Magnum Chess (JA)
- Mango Paola Ajedrez
- Markovian - Blog
- Marvin
- Matheus
- MatMoi
- Merlin
- MiniMardi
- Mizar (JA)
- Mochachess
- Monik (JA)
- Monolith
- Morphy Chess
- Myopic
- NapoleonPP
- Natwarlal
- Needle
- N.E.G.
- Nilatac
- N2
- OBender (JA)
- Octochess
- Oli Think (JA)
- Onno Chess - development of this project ended
- Paladin
- ParrotX
- Pepito (JA)
- Phalanx (JA)
- PicoLisp Chess
- Pierre
- Pigeon
- Plisk
- Poor Little Pinkus (JA)
- Postduif
- Pouet Chess
- Project Invincible
- Prophet (JA)
- Protector (JA)
- PulChess
- PyChess
- QueenBee
- RataAeroespacial
- Redqueen
- Resp (JA)
- RobboLito
- Robocide - current edition is private
- Roce
- Rocinante (JA)
- Rodent
- Roque Chess Engine
- Ruffian
- Sabertooth
- Sabrina
- Scidlet (JA)
- Scorpio (JA)
- SCP - Stanback´s Chess Program (JA)
- SecondChess
- Senpai
- SF - Al Qahtani
- Shallow
- Shredder
- Simon (JA)
- Simplex (JA)
- Sissa (JA)
- Sjaak
- Sjeng
- Slibo (JA)
- Sloppy (JA)
- Small Potato
- SmarThink
- Smash
- Smaug
- Soldat (JA)
- Sophy
- Sorgenkind
- Spark
- Spartan
- Stockfish (JA) - Development Edition
- Sungorus (JA)
- Sunsetter
- Supra
- Táltos
- Teki Random Mover
- Texel
- The Baron
- Tiffanys
- Tiny Chess
- Toga (JA)
- Trappist
- Tucano Chess Engine
- Typhoon (JA)
- Tyrannus
- Umko - project is closed
- Warrior
- Wattung
- Weini
- Wing (JA)
- Winter
- Witz
- WJChess
- Xadreco
- Xiphos
- Xpdnt (JA)
- Yace
- Yacht! - Yet Another Chess 3D
- Zappa
- ZCT (JA)
- Zeta Dva (JA)
- Zorgus
Thanks to Norbert Raimund Leisner for creating this list!