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This shows you the differences between two versions of the page.

computer_chess:wiki:lists:oldies_collection_list 2017/04/09 03:08 computer_chess:wiki:lists:oldies_collection_list 2019/05/13 10:58 current
Line 19: Line 19:
  * **[[ | Complete Chess System MS-DOS]]**   * **[[ | Complete Chess System MS-DOS]]**
-  * **[[ | Computer Chess Oldies]]** +  * **[[ | Computerschach - Herbert Marquardt´s website (German)]]**
- +
-  * **[[ | Computerschach - website from Germany with screenshots]]**+
  * **[[ | CyberChess MS-DOS]]**   * **[[ | CyberChess MS-DOS]]**
Line 45: Line 43:
  * **[[ | Laser Chess MS-DOS]]**   * **[[ | Laser Chess MS-DOS]]**
-  * **[[ | Michael Jeschke´s site about compiling Crafty with gcc under Windows]]** - **[[ | Dev-C++]]** - **[[ | Orwell Dev++]]** +  * **[[ | Michael Jeschke´s site about compiling Crafty with gcc under Windows]]**
  * **[[ | Museum of Chess Programs]]**   * **[[ | Museum of Chess Programs]]**

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