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computer_chess:wiki:lists:index 2019/07/26 00:35 computer_chess:wiki:lists:index 2019/08/14 17:06 current
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  * **[[Software For Solving Chess Problems | Software For Solving Chess Problems]]** - A list of software mainly for solving chess problems (including puzzles and endgame studies)   * **[[Software For Solving Chess Problems | Software For Solving Chess Problems]]** - A list of software mainly for solving chess problems (including puzzles and endgame studies)
  * **[[Stockfish Engine List | Stockfish Engine List]]** - A list of engines which derive or are primary based on the open project Stockfish   * **[[Stockfish Engine List | Stockfish Engine List]]** - A list of engines which derive or are primary based on the open project Stockfish
-  * **[[Todo Engine List | Todo Engine List]]** - A list of errors , broken links and updates of the Chess Engine List 
  * **[[variants_engine_list | Variants Engine List]]** - including FRC, Gothic Chess, Knightmate, Nightrider, XiangQi and so on   * **[[variants_engine_list | Variants Engine List]]** - including FRC, Gothic Chess, Knightmate, Nightrider, XiangQi and so on

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