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==== Test Suite Results ==== ==== Test Suite Results ====
-All results are for the 64-bit version of 0.89 using 1GB hash and 5-man Gaviota tablebases. The tests are run on an AMD Ryzen 5 3.6GHz machine at one CPU.+All results are for version 0.91 using 1GB hash and 5-man Gaviota tablebases. The tests are run on an AMD Ryzen 5 3.6GHz machine at one CPU.
== WAC (Win at Chess) == == WAC (Win at Chess) ==
-300 positions at 5s per position. Almost exclusively tactical positions, many leading to mate. Myrddin finds 297 correct moves within the time limit. Regarding the three missed positions (230, 256, 293), only #256 is found within 15 seconds. The other two are not found within 30 seconds. This suite can be found [[|here]].+300 positions at 5s per position. Almost exclusively tactical positions, many leading to mate. Myrddin finds 297 correct moves within the time limit. Regarding the three missed positions (224, 247, 293), only #246 is not found within 10 seconds. This suite can be found [[|here]].
== Strategic Test Suite == == Strategic Test Suite ==
-A series of (currently, but occasionally expanding) 14 individual suites of 100 positions each, primarily intending to test positional knowledge such as square vacancy, proper recapturing, pawn advancement, control of the center, etc. At 10s per move, Myrddin gets 952 out of 1400 positions correct. This suite is also interesting because it contains "partial credit". In other words, you can still get some points by choosing moves other than the optimal. Myrddin gets 10,914 out of 14,000 points if partial credit is included. You can download this test suite [[|here]].+A series of (currently, but occasionally expanding) 14 individual suites of 100 positions each, primarily intending to test positional knowledge such as square vacancy, proper recapturing, pawn advancement, control of the center, etc. At 10s per move, Myrddin gets 952 out of 1400 positions correct. This suite is also interesting because it contains "partial credit". In other words, you can still get some points by choosing moves other than the optimal. Myrddin gets 11,606 out of 14,000 points if partial credit is included. You can download this test suite [[|here]].
== O'Kelly == == O'Kelly ==
-176 positions at 10s per position. Combinative middlegame and endgame suite. Myrddin finds 136 positions within the time limit. You can download this test suite [[|here]].+176 positions at 10s per position. Combinative middlegame and endgame suite. Myrddin finds 139 positions within the time limit. You can download this test suite [[|here]].
== Eigenmann Endgame Test == == Eigenmann Endgame Test ==
-100 positions at 10s per position. Myrddin does not do very well at this suite, getting only 41 correct moves within the time limit. You can download this test suite [[|here]].+100 positions at 10s per position. Myrddin does not do very well at this suite, getting only 51 correct moves within the time limit. You can download this test suite [[|here]].
== IQ 8.1 == == IQ 8.1 ==
-182 positions at 10s per position. Challenging tactical suite. Myrddin finds 158 positions within the time limit. You can download this test suite [[|here]].+182 positions at 10s per position. Challenging tactical suite. Myrddin finds 165 positions within the time limit. You can download this test suite [[|here]].

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