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computer_chess:engines:index 2013/02/06 22:44 computer_chess:engines:index 2018/11/15 18:10 current
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===== Chess Engines Hosted On The Computer-Chess Wiki ===== ===== Chess Engines Hosted On The Computer-Chess Wiki =====
-  * **[[computer_chess:engines:fianchetto:index | Fianchetto]]** - an engine written in Haskell by Bryn Humberstone +  * **[[computer_chess:wiki:download:engine_download_list | Asterisk (WB/UCI)]]** - by Péter Horváth 
-  * **[[computer_chess:engines:geko:index | Geko]]** - home page of Giuseppe Cannella's engine +  * **[[computer_chess:wiki:download:engine_download_list | BabyChess (WB)]]** - by Jerome Kunegis, C++ source  
-  * **[[computer_chess:engines:kitteneitor:index | Kitteneitor]]** - home page of Emilio Diaz's engine +  * **[[computer_chess:wiki:download:engine_download_list | Cecir (WB)]]** - by Guillermo Carvalho, based on TSCP 
-  * **[[computer_chess:engines:myrddin:index | Myrddin]]** - home page of John Merlino's engine +  * **[[computer_chess:wiki:download:engine_download_list | Damas (WB)]]** - by William Mota 
-  * **[[computer_chess:engines:matacz:index | Matacz]]** - home page of Maciej Pestka's engine +  * **[[computer_chess:engines:darky:index | Darky (WB/UCI)]]** - by Alex Guerrero; C source 
-  * **[[computer_chess:engines:nemo:index | Nemo]]** - home page of Michael Hoffmann's engine +  * **[[computer_chess:engines:fianchetto:index | Fianchetto (WB)]]** - by Bryn Humberstone, Haskell source 
-  * **[[computer_chess:engines:secondchess:index | SecondChess]]** - home page of Emilio Diaz's engine +  * **[[computer_chess:engines:frank-walter:index | Frank-Walter (WB)]]** - Laurens Winkelhagen, cross-platform Java-based jar file 
-  * **[[computer_chess:engines:smaug:index | Smaug]]** - an engine for Win32/64 & Mac by Joona Kiiski with C source +  * **[[computer_chess:wiki:download:engine_download_list | Fruit (UCI)]]** - Fabien Letouzey, C++ source 
-  * **[[computer_chess:engines:sorgenkind:index | Sorgenkind]]** - an engine for Win32 & Linux32/64 by Steffen Basting+  * **[[computer_chess:engines:geko:index | Geko (WB)]]** - by Giuseppe Cannella 
 +  * **[[computer_chess:wiki:download:engine_download_list | Glaurung (UCI)]]** - by Tord Romstad, C++ source 
 +  * **[[computer_chess:engines:kitteneitor:index | Kitteneitor (WB)]]** - by Emilio Diaz 
 +  * **[[computer_chess:engines:myrddin:index | Myrddin (WB)]]** - by John Merlino 
 +  * **[[computer_chess:engines:matacz:index | Matacz (WB)]]** - by Maciej Pestka 
 +  * **[[computer_chess:engines:nemo:index | Nemo (UCI)]]** - by Michael Hoffmann 
 +  * **[[computer_chess:engines:secondchess:index | SecondChess (WB)]]** - by Emilio Diaz 
 +  * **[[computer_chess:wiki:download:engine_download_list | Smaug (UCI)]]** - by Tord Romstad & Joona Kiiski, C++ source 
 +  * **[[computer_chess:engines:sorgenkind:index | Sorgenkind (WB)]]** - by Steffen Basting

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