Mephisto MM III - little gauntlet - (Tournaments)
as always blitz 40/5
it use its own book - also its not speedlimited
output Arena-Elostat
-----------------Mephisto MM III-----------------
Mephisto MM III - Celes 0.77c : 4,5/16 3-10-3 (0=001=000=001100) 28% -164
Mephisto MM III - Gerbil 0.20 : 1,0/16 0-14-2 (0000000==0000000) 6% -478
Mephisto MM III - LaDameBlance 2.00c : 2,0/16 1-13-2 (0000=1000=000000) 13% -330
Mephisto MM III - Mephisto MM 5.1 : 2,5/16 1-12-3 (00=0=0=000001000) 16% -288
Mephisto MM III - Storm 0.60 : 6,5/16 5-8-3 (0=0=001001=11001) 41% -63
Mephisto MM III - TSCP 1.81 : 7,0/16 6-8-2 (0010010=1=111000) 44% -42
ratings of my list (gauged with Fruit 2.10 at 2700)
Celes 1790 - 115 = 1675
Gerbil 1973 - 478 = 1495
LDB 1974 - 330 = 1644
Storm 1603 - 63 = 1540
TTSCP 1707 - 42 = 1665
average vs those opponents 1603