Mephisto MM5 - little gauntlet - (Tournaments)
MM V was my very first, so I must do some games
as always blitz 40/5
it use its own book - also its not speedlimited
output Arena-Elostat
-----------------Mephisto MM 5.1-----------------
Mephisto MM 5.1 - Celes 0.77c : 5,5/16 4-9-3 (00=001101=10000=) 34% -115
Mephisto MM 5.1 - Gerbil 0.20 : 3,5/16 3-12-1 (1100001=00000000) 22% -220
Mephisto MM 5.1 - LaDameBlance 2.00c : 3,5/16 2-11-3 (00=0==0000010100) 22% -220
Mephisto MM 5.1 - Storm 0.60 : 11,0/16 10-4-2 (110001=111101=11) 69% +139
Mephisto MM 5.1 - TSCP 1.81 : 8,5/16 8-7-1 (011000111000=111) 53% +21
ratings of my list (gauged with Fruit 2.10 at 2700)
Celes 1790 - 115 = 1675
Gerbil 1973 - 220 = 1753
LDB 1974 -220 = 1754
Storm 1603 + 139 = 1742
TTSCP 1707 +21 = 1728
average vs those opponents 1730
Mephisto MM5 - little gauntlet -
have considered .... I did nt say the truth
my very first cc was Mephisto MM III, followed by MM IV and afterwards followed by MM V
this is so a long time ago and hard to remember
best to all
Mephisto MM5 - little gauntlet -
Thanks for the little gauntlet! I was wondering about the approximate strength and you have answered my question.