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FACE Ed13 Div3 (Tournaments)

by Gerhard, Monday, July 22, 2013, 11:05

partitipants are:

|03|01| Cyrano     | Harald Johnsen                                 | 2008/08 |
|03|02| Bug        | François and Jean-Philippe Karr                | 2011/04 |
|03|03| Pharaon    | Franck Zibi                                    | **2006/09** | inside Div 1-4 |
|03|04| ProDeo     | Ed Schröder                                    | 2012/07 |
|03|05| Bobcat     | Gunnar Harms                                   | 2012/01 |
|03|06| DayDreamer | Aaron Becker                                   | 2010/04 |
|03|07| SlowBlitz  | Jonathan Kreuzer                               | **2006/03** | inside Div 1-4 |
|03|08| Quazar     | Dmitry Morozov                                 | 2012/02 |
|03|09| Gaviota    | Miguel A. Ballicora                            | 2013/01 |
|03|10| Texel      | Peter Österlund                                | 2012/06 |
|03|11| DiscoCheck | Lucas Braesch                                  | 2013/07 |
|03|12| Octo       | Tim Kosse                                      | 2013/06 |
|03|13| Arasan     | Jon Dart                                       | 2013/05 |
|03|14| Dirty      | Pradu Kannan, Andres Valverde & Fonzy Bluemers | 2013/04 |
|03|15| iCE        | Thomas Petzke                                  | 2013/07 |
|03|16| Gnu        | C.K.Sian, S.Cracraft, M.Van den Bergh, A.Ceballos, S.Waters | 2013/05 |

* **order of starting**
* taken out cause bad results in similary test (>55%): Colossus, Murka 3.0
* demoted from Division 2 no 13-16 (last edition): Cyrano, Bug, Pharaon, (Murka)
* from Division 3 no 04-08 (last edition): ProDeo, Bobcat, DayDreamer, Slow, (Colossus)
* promoted from Division 4 no 01-04 (this edition): Quazar, Gaviota, Texel, Discocheck
* promoted from PlayOff Division 3 no 01-05 (this edition): Octo, Arasan, Dirty, iCE, Gnu

* **results**
* promoted to Division 2 no 01-04:
* promoted to Play Off Division 2 no 05-10:
* demoted: due to new structur of next edition decision is made when Edition 14 starts


FACE Ed13 Div3 - after round 16

by Gerhard, Wednesday, July 24, 2013, 10:05 @ Gerhard update monday or tuesday

|  1|  Gaviota 0.86 x64      |  11.5 / 16|
|  2|  Quazar 0.40b x64      |  11.0 / 16|
|  3|  Discocheck 4.30ja x64 |  11.0 / 16|
|  4|  Daydreamer 1.75ja x64 |  10.0 / 16|

|  5|  Dirty 200413 x64      |  10.0 / 16|
|  6|  Octo r5132 x64        |  10.0 / 16|
|  7|  Texel 1.02ja x64      |  10.0 / 16|
|  8|  Gnu 5.50 x64          |  9.9 / 16|
|  9|  iCE 1.00v1619 x64     |  8.5 / 16|
| 10|  ProDeo 1.85           |  7.5 / 16|

| 11|  Arasan 15.60 x64      |  7.0 / 16|
| 12|  Pharaon 3.51          |  6.5 / 16|
| 13|  Bobcat 3.25 x64       |  5.5 / 16|
| 14|  Bug2 1.90 x64         |  5.0 / 16|
| 15|  SlowBlitz 2.10        |  4.0 / 16|
| 16|  Cyrano 06b17ja x64    |  3.5 / 16|


FACE Ed13 Div3 - after round 32

by Gerhard, Tuesday, July 30, 2013, 06:31 @ Gerhard

|  1|  Gaviota 0.86 x64      |  23.5 / 32|
|  2|  Quazar 0.40b x64      |  23.0 / 32|
|  3|  Octo r5132 x64        |  21.0 / 32|
|  4|  DiscoCheck 4.30ja x64 |  20.0 / 32|

|  5|  Dirty 200413 x64      |  19.0 / 32|
|  6|  Texel 1.02ja x64      |  18.5 / 32|
|  7|  Gnu 5.50 x64          |  17.0 / 32|
|  8|  iCE 1.00v1619 x64     |  16.0 / 32|
|  9|  ProDeo 1.85           |  15.0 / 32|
|  10| Daydreamer 1.75ja x64 |  14.5 / 32|

|  11| Arasan 15.60 x64      |  14.5 / 32|
|  12| Bobcat 3.25 x64       |  14.5 / 32|
|  13| Pharaon 3.51          |  13.5 / 32|
|  14| Bug2 1.90 x64         |  12.0 / 32|
|  15| SlowBlitz 2.10        |   8.5 / 32|
|  16| Cyrano 06b17ja x64    |   4.5 / 32|


FACE Ed13 Div3 - new entries

by Gerhard, Tuesday, July 30, 2013, 18:29 @ Gerhard

due to changed rule “what is a bad result in similarity test” from 55 to 60% in running edition further taken out engines are included:

Colossus (Division 3)
Murka (Division 3)
Hamsters (PlayOff to Division 3)
Philou (Division 6)

first results with all 20 engines will take a while


FACE Ed13 Div3 - final table

by Gerhard, Tuesday, August 13, 2013, 08:15 @ Gerhard

sorry, less time for that stuff
so i give you only final table
webside will be actual in next days

|   1:|   Murka 3.00 x64       |   112.5 / 152|  8032.25|
|   2:|   Quazar 0.40b x64     |   108.0 / 152|  7706.75|
|   3:|   Gaviota 0.86 x64     |   100.0 / 152|  7201.50|
|   4:|   Texel 1.02ja x64     |    94.5 / 152|  6825.75|

|   5:|   DiscoCheck 4.30 x64  |    91.0 / 152|  6556.50|
|   6:|   iCE 1.00v1619 x64    |    90.5 / 152|  6297.50|
|   7:|   Octo r5132 x64       |    89.0 / 152|  6400.50|
|   8:|   Dirty 200413 x64     |    87.5 / 152|  6152.00|
|   9:|   Gnu 5.50 x64         |    79.0 / 152|  5719.25|
|  10:|   Arasan 15.60 x64     |    72.0 / 152|  5066.00|

|  11:|   Bobcat 3.25 x64      |    72.0 / 152|  5012.25|
|  12:|   Bug2 1.90 x64        |    72.0 / 152|  4964.00|
|  13:|   Daydreamer 1.75ja x64|    67.0 / 152|  4674.75|
|  14:|   ProDeo 1.85          |    66.0 / 152|  4684.50|
|  15:|   Pharaon 3.51         |    60.5 / 152|  4236.00|
|  16:|   Cyrano 06b17ja x64   |    59.0 / 152|  4166.25|
|  17:|   Philou 3.71 x64      |    53.5 / 152|  3847.50|
|  18:|   SlowBlitz 2.10       |    51.0 / 152|  3544.75|
|  19:|   Colossus 2008b       |    48.5 / 152|  3551.75|
|  20:|   Hamsters 0.71        |    46.5 / 152|  3344.25|

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