FACE Ed12 Div3 (Tournaments)
the Division 3 will start at middle of April cause being holiday,
- the ratinglist is now adapted to CEGT, gauged with Fruit 2.10 at 2.500
- Division 1 - 4 play 120 rounds
- results and tables will be published every 16 rounds
the participants of coming Division 3:
|03|01| Colossus | Martin Bryant |
|03|02| DayDreamer | Aaron Becker |
|03|03| ET | Erik Triki |
|03|04| SlowBlitz | Jonathan Kreuzer |
|03|05| Hamsters | Alessandro Scotti |
|03|06| ProDeo | Ed Schröder |
|03|07| Pseudo | Jan Klima |
|03|08| Trace | Ross Boyd |
|03|09| Aristarch | Stefan Zipproth |
|03|10| Ruffian | Perola Valfridsson |
|03|11| Alfil | Enrique Sánchez Acosta |
|03|12| Movei | Uri Blass |
|03|13| Nemo | Michael Hoffmann, Sven Schüle |
|03|14| Tornado | Engin Üstün |
|03|15| Jonny | Johannes Zwanzger |
|03|16| Bobcat | Gunnar Harms |
FACE Ed12 Div3 - started with some trouble
... i am back and so tournament is started
after 9 rounds it seems to be a good start for Nemo and Tornado,
but I got some problems with my Win XP - Alfil with its dll crashed all the time on tournament-machine - on all other machines no problems, have tried to solve these problem but after to many hours i gave up, os is to install again .... due to this results of round 16 are expected at middle of next week
Trouble with Alfil 12 - someone having an idea?
... a brand new installed Win XP sp3 with all the new updates dont like Alfil 12 on these machine - P4 2,4Ghz - again it crashes all the time. As told on the other machine is runs well with same Arena-Gui and same exe-file. Netframework is installed. May be I missed something - or I should go on with Linux?
So some help is welcome !!
FACE Ed12 Div3 - table after 128 games
... now the problems with Alfil are solved - its father Enrique send me an exe which works without dll on my machine
Arena-Gui got same crazy with round numbers
1: Nemo 1.01beta 12.5 / 16 93.25
2: Jonny 4.00 12.0 / 16 91.00
3: Tornado 4.88 11.5 / 16 77.50
4: SlowBlitz 2.10 10.5 / 16 79.50
5: Trace 1.37a 9.0 / 17 63.00
6: Daydreamer 1.75ja 8.0 / 15 65.25
7: ProDeo 1.74 7.0 / 15 57.75
8: Pseudo 0.70c 7.0 / 15 53.50
9: Bobcat 3.25 7.0 / 16 49.25
10: Movei 0.08.438 7.0 / 16 47.50
11: Ruffian 1.05 7.0 / 16 46.25
12: Hamsters 0.71 6.5 / 16 49.00
13: ET 130108 6.0 / 15 47.50
14: Colossus 2008b 6.0 / 16 43.50
15: Alfil 12.00 5.5 / 17 39.25
16: Aristarch 4.50 5.5 / 18 35.00
Sorry Enrique your Alfil got a bad start
FACE Ed12 Div3 - table after 256 games
1: Nemo 1.01beta 24.5 / 32 367.50
2: Tornado 4.88 23.5 / 33 340.00
3: Jonny 4.00 22.5 / 32 343.25
4: SlowBlitz 2.10 18.0 / 32 258.75
5: Colossus 2008b 17.0 / 32 238.75
6: ProDeo 1.74 16.5 / 31 259.00
7: Trace 1.37a 16.0 / 32 227.25
8: Bobcat 3.25 15.5 / 32 241.25
9: Ruffian 1.05 14.5 / 32 204.00
10: ET 130108 14.0 / 31 217.75
11: Daydreamer 1.75ja 14.0 / 31 214.50
12: Pseudo 0.70c 14.0 / 31 204.50
13: Hamsters 0.71 14.0 / 32 219.25
14: Movei 0.08.438 12.5 / 32 179.75
15: Aristarch 4.50 10.5 / 34 145.75
16: Alfil 12.00 9.0 / 33 143.75
FACE Ed12 Div3 - table after 384 games
1: Tornado 4.88 35.5 / 48 777.75
2: Nemo 1.01beta 35.0 / 48 792.75
3: Jonny 4.00 34.0 / 48 772.50
4: ProDeo 1.74 28.5 / 47 666.00
5: Colossus 2008b 24.5 / 48 526.50
6: SlowBlitz 2.10 24.5 / 49 529.00
7: Daydreamer 1.75ja 23.0 / 47 538.00
8: Bobcat 3.25 22.5 / 48 530.75
9: ET 130108 21.5 / 47 490.25
10: Hamsters 0.71 21.5 / 48 490.50
11: Ruffian 1.05 21.0 / 48 440.00
12: Trace 1.37a 20.0 / 48 446.00
13: Pseudo 0.70c 19.5 / 47 448.00
14: Movei 0.08.438 19.5 / 48 420.50
15: Aristarch 4.50 17.5 / 50 391.25
16: Alfil 12.00 16.0 / 49 377.75
FACE Ed12 Div3 - table after 480 games
... next week i am out of town again
1: Nemo 1.01beta 45.5 / 60 1276.50
2: Tornado 4.88 45.5 / 60 1254.50
3: Jonny 4.00 43.0 / 60 1211.00
4: ProDeo 1.74 36.0 / 59 1017.50
5: Bobcat 3.25 31.0 / 60 889.25
6: Colossus 2008b 31.0 / 60 825.75
7: Daydreamer 1.75ja 28.5 / 59 810.75
8: ET 130108 27.5 / 59 767.75
9: SlowBlitz 2.10 27.5 / 60 741.75
10: Ruffian 1.05 25.5 / 60 676.50
11: Pseudo 0.70c 24.5 / 59 691.50
12: Hamsters 0.71 24.5 / 60 693.00
13: Trace 1.37a 24.5 / 60 683.00
14: Movei 0.08.438 23.5 / 60 628.75
15: Alfil 12.00 21.0 / 62 599.25
16: Aristarch 4.50 21.0 / 62 583.25
480 games: +208 =120 -152
FACE Ed12 Div3 - table after 609 games
1: Tornado 4.88 59.5 / 77 2064.75
2: Nemo 1.01beta 58.5 / 76 2074.50
3: Jonny 4.00 53.5 / 76 1889.75
4: ProDeo 1.74 46.0 / 75 1662.00
5: Bobcat 3.25 41.0 / 76 1475.75
6: Daydreamer 1.75ja 37.0 / 75 1336.25
7: Colossus 2008b 36.5 / 76 1272.50
8: SlowBlitz 2.10 35.0 / 76 1202.25
9: Ruffian 1.05 35.0 / 76 1158.00
10: ET 130108 31.5 / 75 1108.25
11: Hamsters 0.71 31.5 / 76 1127.50
12: Pseudo 0.70c 30.5 / 75 1113.50
13: Trace 1.37a 30.0 / 77 1049.50
14: Alfil 12.00 28.5 / 78 1023.25
15: Aristarch 4.50 28.0 / 78 962.50
16: Movei 0.08.438 27.0 / 76 908.25
FACE Ed12 Div3 - table after 739 games
1: Tornado 4.88 73.5 / 93 3112.25
2: Nemo 1.01beta 69.5 / 92 2967.00
3: Jonny 4.00 66.0 / 92 2816.75
4: ProDeo 1.74 56.0 / 91 2451.25
5: Bobcat 3.25 48.5 / 93 2095.50
6: SlowBlitz 2.10 46.0 / 93 1910.75
7: Daydreamer 1.75ja 45.0 / 91 1954.25
8: Ruffian 1.05 44.0 / 93 1798.75
9: Colossus 2008b 42.5 / 92 1832.25
10: ET 130108 38.0 / 91 1601.00
11: Hamsters 0.71 36.0 / 92 1566.25
12: Trace 1.37a 35.5 / 93 1483.75
13: Alfil 12.00 35.5 / 94 1521.25
14: Aristarch 4.50 35.0 / 94 1499.25
15: Pseudo 0.70c 34.0 / 92 1491.50
16: Movei 0.08.438 34.0 / 92 1378.25
FACE Ed12 Div3 - table after 869 games
... again i am out of town for about 2-3 weeks
1: Tornado 4.88 87.0 / 109 4306.25
2: Nemo 1.01beta 83.5 / 109 4208.50
3: Jonny 4.00 78.5 / 108 3927.75
4: ProDeo 1.74 63.5 / 108 3238.75
5: Bobcat 3.25 58.5 / 109 2957.50
6: SlowBlitz 2.10 54.5 / 109 2640.25
7: Ruffian 1.05 52.5 / 109 2507.25
8: Daydreamer 1.75ja 52.0 / 107 2624.25
9: Colossus 2008b 50.0 / 109 2528.25
10: Pseudo 0.70c 45.0 / 108 2279.75
11: ET 130108 43.5 / 107 2124.50
12: Hamsters 0.71 43.5 / 108 2221.00
13: Alfil 12.00 41.5 / 110 2044.75
14: Aristarch 4.50 39.5 / 110 1977.00
15: Trace 1.37a 38.5 / 109 1935.00
16: Movei 0.08.438 37.5 / 109 1790.75
FACE Ed12 Div3 - endtable after 960 games
... back again
1: Tornado 4.88 94.5 / 120 5186.00
2: Nemo 1.01beta 92.0 / 120 5131.50
3: Jonny 4.00 88.0 / 120 4865.25
4: ProDeo 1.74 72.0 / 120 4061.50
5: Bobcat 3.25 63.0 / 120 3518.00
6: Daydreamer 1.75ja 60.0 / 120 3328.00
7: SlowBlitz 2.10 58.5 / 120 3148.50
8: Colossus 2008b 57.0 / 120 3117.75
9: Ruffian 1.05 56.0 / 120 2983.75
10: ET 130108 51.5 / 120 2815.00
11: Hamsters 0.71 49.0 / 120 2724.00
12: Pseudo 0.70c 47.5 / 120 2663.25
13: Movei 0.08.438 44.0 / 120 2314.75
14: Alfil 12.00 42.5 / 120 2343.00
15: Trace 1.37a 42.5 / 120 2324.25
16: Aristarch 4.50 42.0 / 120 2355.00
960 games: +392 =251 -317