* Ankona - create diagrams, store and solve chess problems
* Chess Archive - creating a personal database of chess compositions
* Chest - ChestUCI (including database) - Ekkehard May´s Chessdiagrammer
* Euclide
* Fancy
* Freezer
* Guess the Move - User´s Guide
* MaterUCI
* Matesolver (section "Programmieren in C")
* Natch (DOS commandline stand-alone application) - iNatch (Java graphical interface)
* Popeye - Franz Huber´s Program Projects - Olive (link "Shareware") - PyWinShell - Windows Popeye Shell
* Problemist for Palm Pilot / PC / Pocket PC
* Utilities and Programs by Martin Väth
* Schwalbe - Chess Problem Database Server - * Deutsche Vereinigung für Problemschach
* VKsach
* Wilhelm - Older Edition
* ARVES - Alexander Rueb Vereniging voor SchaakEindspelStudie
* Association Neuchâteloise des Clubs d´Échecs, Switzerland (with comments in French)
* Berlinthema - Schachproblem und Problemschach (German)
* Brian Stephenson´s BDS Website
* British Chess Problem Society
* Bruno Berenguer´s checkmates / chess problems
* Chess Composition Microweb by Juraj Lörinc
* Chess Endgame Study Database Moldova
* Chess Problems by James Acres / Aaron Cronan / Dave Gertler / Shelley Knowlton / Adam Miller
* Chess Tempo - website dedicated to helping chess players improve their game
* Club d´Échecs de la Chaux de Fonds, Switzerland - problèmes (PDF) - solutions (PGN)
* Dansk Skakproblem Klub - Danish Chess Problem Society
* DEJASCACCHI edited by Michele Deiana
* DHTML - a collection of tools like PGN viewer / opening and tactic training / chess puzzles
* El arte del mate en dos by Eduardo Sadier
* Greek Blogspot - chess problems
* harmonie-aktiv - Zeitschrift für Problemschach
* Ideachess - chess tactics training
* Il Matto del Postino (Italian)
* Ján Golha´s Chess Composition
* Mastermove by Bert van der Marel
* Matthieu Leschemelle´s Problemist Collections - fichiers de problèmes à télécharger
* Österreichischer Schachbund (Chess Fedeartion from Austria)
* Peter Rösler´s Schachaufgaben (German)
* Peter Vogel - section Schach (German)
* Phénix - a French review (several editions) of chess problems
* ProbÉchecs including analysis and combinations (French)
* Probleemblad - Nederlandse bond van schaakprobleemvrienden, schaakproblemen etc.
* Problemas de Ajedrez (Spanish)
* Problèmes d´échecs by Étienne Depuis (French)
* Problemschachbuch.de - link "Nachrufe", an obituary for Dr. Werner Speckmann (German)
* Sachmatija, a website from Lithuhania
* Schachblätter by Stefan Kalhorn
* Schachclub Leinzell (German chess club) - link "Diagramme" (with date)
* Solving Tourneys Database - Belgian and Dutch competitons by Luc Palmans
* Studies and Problems - composed by J.T. Sanderse
* Suomen Tehtäväniekat - Finnish Chess Problem Society (website particulary in English)
* The Contest Center - Chess Puzzles
* Tim Krabbé´s Website "de problemen" - Chess Curiosities
* World Federation for Chess Composition - Official Website