A list of chess software and computers which participated in tournaments organized by ICGA International Computer Games Association. Publications of these results are made by the French project “Groupe de Recherche sur l´Apprentissage Automatique” (Université “Charles de Gaulle”, Lille). See the whole aphabetical survey here Programmes d´Échecs - not mentioned are programs from other CC-Wiki Engines Lists respectively with unknown names of their authors.
* A16chs - R. Prinsen
* Advance 68K - Mike Johnson and David Wilson
* AI Chess - Marty Hirsch
* Albatross - Michael Parker
* Alpha - Rainer Feldmann and Peter Mysliwietz
* Ananse - Walter Bannermann
* Applied Concepts - Grady Porter
* BB - Christophe Jolly
* Bcp - Don Beal
* Beal - Don Beal
* Bebe - Linda Scherzer and Tony Scherzer
* Belle - Ken Thompson and Joe Condon
* Black Knight - Fred Prouse
* Blitz Monster - David Kittinger
* Bobby - Hans Joachim Kraas and Günther Schrüfer
* Boris Experimental - Rex Kent
* Brainstorm - Gyula Horváth
* BreakThrough - Werner Koch
* Brutus - Chrilly Donninger, Alex Kure and Ulf Lorenz
* Bs6676 - Barend Swets
* Centaur - Victor Vikhrev and Alexey Manjakhin
* Challenger - Dan Spracklen and Kathe Spracklen
* Chaos - Mike Alexander, Victor Berman, Mark Hersey, Jack O´Keefe and Fred Swartz
* Chat - Wolfgang Delmare
* Check Check - Wolfgang Delmare
* Cheiron - Ulf Lorenz
* Chess - David Slate, Larry Atkin and David Cahlander
* Chess Brain - Karl-Heinz Milaster
* Chess Champion Mark V - David Broughton
* Chess Guru - Joël Rivat
* Chessmachine - Ed Schröder
* Chess-Master - Dieter Schultze and Rüdiger Worbs
* Chess Monster - J. Middlecoff
* Chessnut - Geoffrey J. Bulmer
* Chess Player 2150 - Chris Whittington
* Chess Simulator - Chris Whittington
* Chess System Tal - Chris Whittington
* Chute - Mike Valentini
* Cilkchess - Reid Barton, Don Beal, Don Dailey, Matteo Frigo, Charles Leiserson, Phil Lisiecki, Ryan Porter, Harald Prokop and Aske Plaat, participant of WCCC 1999
* Cluster Toga - Kai Himstaedt, Ulf Lorenz, Thomas Gaksch and Fabien Letouzey
* Conchess - Ulf Rathsman
* Conic - Stephen Chen
* Constellation - David Kittinger
* Cumulus - Marc-François Baudot and Jean-Christophe Weill
* Cyrus - David Levy, Mark Taylor and Kevin O´Connell
* Dappet - Dap Hartmann and Peter Kouwenhoven
* Dark Horse - Ulf Rathsman
* Dark Thought - Ernst Heinz, Markus Gille and Peter W. Gillgasch, competitive chess program
* Deep Thought - Feng-hsiung Hsu, A. Joseph Hoane and Murray Campbell
* Delicate Brute - Don Beal
* Delta - Fré Felkers
* Diogenes - Jörg Burwitz
* Dragon - Y. Shpeer
* Duchess - Eric Jensen, Tom Truscott and Bruce Wright
* Duck - Dennis Breuker
* Dutch - Jaap van den Herik, Roger Hünen and Harry Nefkens
* Échec - Marc-François Baudot and Jean-Christophe Weill
* Écume - Marc-François Baudot and Jean-Christophe Weill
* Elegance - Dan Spracklen and Kathe Spracklen
* Elite Auto Sensory - Dan Spracklen anfd Kathe Spracklen
* Elsa - Ludwig Zagler
* Enterprise - Kaare Danielsen
* Eugen - Eugen Castillo Jimenez
* Experimental - Wolfgang Delmare and Thorsten Kohfeldt
* Fafner - Guy A. Burkill and Alex Kidson
* FIBChess - Guillermo Baches García
* Fidelity - Dan Spracklen and Kathe Spracklen
* Frantz - J. Koenigshafer and G. Wolf
* Freedom - Nils Barricelli
* Frenchess - Marc-François Baudot, Christophe Weill, Jean-Luc Seret and Michel Gondran
* Futé - Jean-Louis Boussin
* Gambiet - Wim Rens
* Genesis - Eric van Riet Paap
* GridChess - Kai Himstedt, Ulf Lorenz, Thomas Gaksch, Fabien Letouzey and Robert Hyatt
* Hector for Chess - Czaba Jergler
* Heureka - Gerold Fischer
* Hitech - Hans Berliner and Chris McConnell
* Hydra - Chistian Donninger and Alex Kure
* Innovation - Jeff Mallett
* Intelligent Chess Software - Richard Lang and David Levy
* InterChess - Wolfgang Traudes
* Kasparov Sparc - Dan Spracklen and Kathe Spracklen
* K. Chess - Andrew Thomason
* Kempelen - Attila Kovács
* Lachex - Burton Wendroff and Tony Warnock
* l´Excentrique - Claude Jarry
* Lion - Gian Carlo delli Colli
* LogiChess - Kaare Danielsen
* Magellan - Karl Pevny
* Master - John Birmingham and Peter Kent
* MChess - Martin Hirsch
* Mephisto GB - Richard Lang
* Mephisto Gideon - Ed Schröder
* Mephisto H - Elmar Henne and Thomas Nitsche
* Merlin - Hermann Kaindl, Helmut Horacek and Marcus Wagner
* Micromurks - Dieter Steinwender
* Mike - Mike Johnson
* Mini - Larry Kaufman and Don Dailey
* Mirage - Y. Shpeer and Vladimir Rybinkin
* Moby - Mark Taylor, Greg Wilson and David Levy
* Much - Roger Hünen, Harry Nefkens, Tom Pronk and Jaap van den Herik
* Mulder BP - Robert Cullum
* MyChess - David Kittinger and John Urwin
* Nest - Bruno Bras
* Neurologic - Jochen Peussner
* Newcrest Technology Sphinx - David Levy and Mark Taylor
* Nexus - Ralf Dörr
* Nightmare D - Reinhold Gellner and Gaby von Rekowski
* Nightmare NL - Joost Buijs
* Nona - Frans Morsch
* Novag - David Kittinger and Scott McDonald
* Nuchess - David Slate
* Orwell - Elmar Henne and Thomas Nitsche
* Ostrich - Monroe Newborn and George Arnold
* Pacque Expert - Bruno Bras
* Papa - G. Rajna and B. Almasi
* Parwell - Elmar Henne, Thomas Nitsche and Wolfram Wolff
* Patsoc - Hans Berliner
* Paul - Christopher Lutz and Michael Schmitt
* P.ConNers - Ulf Lorenz and Heiner Matthias
* Philidor - David Levy and Kevin O´Connell
* Phoenix - Jonathan Schaeffer
* Pion - Jan Derksen, Harry Nefkens and Jaap van den Herik
* PK83 - Ard van Bergen
* Plymate - Lars Hjörth and Ulf Rathsman
* Private Line - Dan Spracklen and Kathe Spracklen
* Prochess - Tom Pronk
* Pschach - Peter Sucker
* Psion - Richard Lang
* Quick Step - Klaus Dieter Lange
* Rex - Sam Sloan, Don Dailey and Larry Kaufman
* Ribbit - Gary Calnek, Ron Hansen and Jim Parry
* RISC - Johan de Koning
* Rook - Lars Karlsson
* Sargon - Dan Spracklen and Kathe Spracklen
* Savant - David Kittinger
* Schach - Matthias Engelbach and Thomas Kreitmair
* SciSys - Kevin O´Connell
* Sensory - Dan Spracklen and Kathe Spracklen
* Sfinks - William Fink
* Sharky - John Kominek
* Shess - Ard van Bergen
* Shy - Juha Kasanen, Mika Korhonen and Timo Saari
* Star Socrates - Don Dailey, Christopher F. Joerg and Charles Leiserson
* Super Constellation - David Kittinger
* Superstar - Julio Kaplan
* Tech - Jim Gillogly and Alan Baisley
* Tell - J. Joss
* The Turk - Yngvi Björnsson
* Thinker - Kerwin Medina
* Toledo - Gerardo Castaño Recio
* Touch - Jos Uiterwijk
* Tumult - N.L. Dancanet and D. Dancanet
* Turbostar - Julio Kaplan and Graig Barnes
* Ulysses - Ulf Lorenz and Valentin Rottmann
* Vaxchess - Tony Guilfoyle and Richard Hooker
* Vega - David Broughton
* Viktor - Herbert Bruderer, Dieter Gotz and Wolfgang Rausch
* Virtual Chess - Marc-François Baudot and Jean-Christophe Weill
* Waycool - Ed Felton, Steve Otto and Rod Morison
* WChess - David Kittinger
* Why Not 89 - Ulf Rathsman
* Woodpusher - John Hamlen
* XXXX - Martin Zentner
* Y! - Ulf Rathsman, Lars Hjörth and Sandro Necchi
* Zeus - Gerardo Castaño Recio
* Zugzwang - Rainer Feldmann, Peter Mysliwietz and Heiner Matthias