====== Computer-Chess Wiki Help ======
* Do you want to create your own personal chess page? (please [[ron@computer-chess.org | contact us]]!)
* Do you want to create an engine web page for yourself? (please [[ron@computer-chess.org | contact us]]!)
* Do you want to create your own tournaments page(s)? (please [[ron@computer-chess.org | contact us]]!)
* Do you want to correct an outdated statement from one of the FAQs? (no need to contact us, just do it!)
* Do you want to help expand the Computer-Chess Wiki? (no need to contact us, just do it!)
Once you are registered you can create and edit the wiki pages. Be aware: there are some sensitive pages that are protected and cannot be modified, such as the home page. Spammers will be banned immediately. Admins can easily revert spammy text to the previous content with a couple of mouse clicks. Be nice!
==== Important Message for Personal Pages ====
Please [[ron@computer-chess.org | contact us]] and we will create a namespace for you. At the moment there are no limits imposed. As long as no one abuses this policy we will not change it. We protect your personal pages from being modified by other users. If you do not request protected pages, your pages may be modified by other computer-chess people. All pages must be about chess or computer-chess. No politics allowed! :-)
==== Computer-Chess Wiki Plugins ====
There are more than 300 plugins to extend the basic wiki functionality. The following list of plugins have been installed here:
* [[http://wiki.splitbrain.org/plugin:chessdiagram | chessdiagram]] - for displaying a nice graphic chess diagram from a fen (see example below)
* [[http://wiki.splitbrain.org/plugin:exttab1 | exttab1]] - for displaying fancy tables (w/color, text sizing, etc.)
* exttab1 works the same as this one: [[http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Tables]]
We are willing to add other plugins on request. [[doku>wiki:plugins | Plugins page]]
==== Computer-Chess Wiki Editing Tips ====
The Computer-Chess Wiki gives you something called 'Section Editing' so you can easily edit parts of a long page. Quick lesson: After logging in, visit one of the large FAQ pages. On long pages you will notice, as you scroll down the page, little 'Edit' buttons along the right side. By clicking one of these buttons you will be editing just a small portion of the entire webpage. If you edit an entire page, a lock is created that prevents other people from editing the same page. By using section editing, many sections of a large page can be edited simultaneously. It's also better from a usability standpoint so you can concentrate on the small portion that you are interested in editing. BTW, all locks have a timeout. It is recommended that you preview your page edits before saving them. You can always hit 'Cancel' to abandon your editing.
==== Chess Diagram Example ====
The following wiki code:
rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq -
renders as:
rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq -
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